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Nowadays, the issues concerning chlamydia infection is not limited only with diseases of urogenital system. At that, the optimal organization and forms of fight against extra urogenital chlamidiosis, infection of respiratory tract included, are still to be developed and this task demands an immediate solution. The article presents scientific substantiation of necessity to develop the complex of activities and main directions to be applied to enhance the organization of medical care to patients with diseases of upper part of respiratory tracts associated with chlamydia infection.

About the authors

T. A Kapustina

The research of medical problems of the North of Siberian branch of The Russian academy of medical sciences

д-р мед. наук, науч. рук. клинического отд-ния патологии ЛОР-органов

A. N Markina

The research of medical problems of the North of Siberian branch of The Russian academy of medical sciences

O. V Parilova

The research of medical problems of the North of Siberian branch of The Russian academy of medical sciences

E. V Belova

The research of medical problems of the North of Siberian branch of The Russian academy of medical sciences


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