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The paper analyzes the efficiency of organ-saving operations, by using as an example 12 puerperas with separated uterine sutures after cesarean section in the presence of obstetric peritonitis. Metroplasty was proposed to use in patients with these postpartum complications as an alternative to the classical obstetric procedure uterine extirpation. The paper also describes a clinical case of disseminated seropurulent peritonitis in a puerpera, which has developed in the presence of uterine suture failure after cesarean section. This patient underwent reconstructive surgery on the uterus with sanitation and drainage of abdominal cavity.

About the authors

M. A. Kurtser

City Clinical Hospital Thirty-Six, Moscow Healthcare Department

V. N. Frantsuzov

City Clinical Hospital Thirty-Six, Moscow Healthcare Department

T. S. Lokteva

City Clinical Hospital Thirty-Six, Moscow Healthcare Department

A. D. Podtetenev

City Clinical Hospital Thirty-Six, Moscow Healthcare Department

д-р мед. наук, зам. гл. врача б-цы


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