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Depression with the noticeable component of anxiety was the objective of the study. Sixty-five patients were treated with antidepressants: some of them took amitriptylline and the others received venlafaxine. The study was conducted for 6 months during which the symptoms were rated by Hamilton depression and anxiety scales. This could identify 3 types of depression, in which anxiety is an essential component of the state; these were anxious melancholic, anxious hypochondriac, and anxious adynamic types. In the latter type there were no differences in the rate and degree of symptomatology between the venlafaxine and amitriptylline subgroups. In the anxious hypochondriac type of depression, venlafaxine proved to be more effective.

About the authors

E. P. Shchukina

I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

канд. мед. наук, ассистент каф.; кафедра психиатрии и медицинской психологии

K. M. Bunkova

I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

кафедра психиатрии и медицинской психологии

E. A. Izotova

I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

кафедра психиатрии и медицинской психологии

E. M. Goncharova

I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

кафедра психиатрии и медицинской психологии


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