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The article deals with the assessment of effectiveness of application of heated oxygen helium mixture (thermogeliox) as combined with the nebulizer therapy in complex treatment of patients with bronchial asthma. The examined sample consisted of 80 patients with bronchial asthma of moderate and severy degree at exacerbation phase of disease. The complex treatment with thermogeliox was applied to 40 patients of main group. The single session of combined application of thermogeliox and nebulizer therapy to patients with bronchial asthma reliably improves the bronchial patency and results in significantly increases saturation of blood with oxygen in patients with bronchial asthma of severe degree. The complex treatment with thermogeliox of patients with bronchial asthma of moderate and seveiy degree contributes to more evident improvement of clinical picture of disease as compared with standard treatment: reliable decrease of attacks of suffocation and stertor, relief of cough and dyspnea, improvement of indicators of pulmonary ventilation with reliable decrease of intensity of bronchial obstruction, significant increase of partial tension of blood oxygen and blood oxygenation. The highest effectiveness of complex treatment is noted in patients with severe form of bronchial asthma. Besides, a significant improvement of quality of life occurs against the background of tangible improvement of clinical functional indicators. The study results demonstrate the expedience of widespread application of thermogeliox combined with the nebulizer therapy for the purpose of increasing the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment of patients with bronchial asthma.

About the authors

S. P Grigoryev

The N.I. Pirogov Russian research medical university of Minzdravsocrazvitiya of Russia

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф.

E. O Loshkaryeva

The N.I. Pirogov Russian research medical university of Minzdravsocrazvitiya of Russia

I. V Zolkina

The N.I. Pirogov Russian research medical university of Minzdravsocrazvitiya of Russia

A. L Krasnovsky

The N.I. Pirogov Russian research medical university of Minzdravsocrazvitiya of Russia

S. A Korvyakov

The N.I. Pirogov Russian research medical university of Minzdravsocrazvitiya of Russia

A. I Alekhin

The central clinical hospital of Russian academy of sciences, Moscow


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