Izuchenie assotsiatsii polimorfizma genov b-adrenoretseptorov s urovnem arterial'nogo davleniya i razvitiem gipertrofii miokarda u bol'nykh gipertonicheskoy bolezn'yu

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The investigation was undertaken to study an association of the polymorphic markers Gly389Arg and Ser49Gly of the ADRB1 gene, Gly16Arg and Glu27Gln of the ADRB2 gene, Trp64Arg of the ADRB3 gene and C825 of the GNB3 gene with the level of blood pressure (BP) and the structural and functional features of the left ventricular (LV) myocardium in patients with hypertensive disease (HD). One hundred and seventy-seven hypertensive patients, including 83 (46.9%) males and 94 (53.1%) females) were examined. Their mean age was 60.6±0.76 years. A study group comprised 19 (10.9%) patients with grade 1 arterial hypertension (AH); 57 (32.8%) with grade II AH, and 101 (56.3%) with grade III Ah. LV structural features were examined by echocardiography. No association was found between the genotypes and BP levels for the polymorphic markers Ser49Gly of the ADRB1 gene, Gly16Arg and Glu27Gln of the ADRB2 gene, Trp64Arg of the ADRB3 gene, and C825 of the GNB3 gene. As for the polymorphic marker Gly389Arg of the ADRB1 gene, genotype Arg/Arg carriers had elevated systolic and diastolic pressures. There were 40 patients without signs of LV hypertrophy (LVH) and 137 patients with increased LV myocardial mass index in the study group. The patients with LVH were older (p = 0.001) and had a longer history of HD (p = 0.018), higher systolic BP (p = 0.008) and a higher body mass index (p = 0.001). Among the patients with LVH, there were more females (57.7 and 37.5%; p = 0.025) and more patients with type 2 diabetes (17.5 and 5.0%; p = 0.040). The frequency of genotype Arg/Arg of the polymorphic marker Gly398Arg of the ADRB1 gene was ascertained to be significantly higher in the patients with LVH [p = 0.008; OR 2.32 (1.34-4.11)]. Multivariate analysis showed that age, systolic BP levels, overweight, and carriage of genotype Arg/Arg of the polymorphic marker Gly389Arg of the ADRB1 gene were independently associated with increased LV myocardial mass.

About the authors

Larisa Olegovna Minushkina

ФГУ Учебно-научный медицинский центр УД Президента РФ

Email: minushkina@mail.ru
д-р мед. наук, доц. каф. кардиологии и общей терапии; ФГУ Учебно-научный медицинский центр УД Президента РФ

A G Nikitin

ГНЦ РФ ГосНИИгенетика

ГНЦ РФ ГосНИИгенетика

V A Brazhnik

ГУЗ городская клиническая больница № 51

ГУЗ городская клиническая больница № 51

V V Nosikov

ГНЦ РФ ГосНИИгенетика

ГНЦ РФ ГосНИИгенетика

D A Zateyshchikov

ФГУ Учебно-научный медицинский центр УД Президента РФ

ФГУ Учебно-научный медицинский центр УД Президента РФ


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