Theoretical background of hypoxytherapy

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The review discusses the structure and physiology of the oxygen supply functional system and its self-regulatory potential and role in maintaining the body’s optimal metabolic homeostasis level of blood gases. Up-to-date data on the functioning of peripheral (arterial) and central (medullary) chemoreceptors, molecular mechanisms of the oxygen and carbon dioxide content and pH perception, and their association with afferent nerve endings are presented. The paths and centers of the chemosensory reflex in various brain regions, effector elements, and reverse afferentation mechanisms are shown. Response patterns to exogenous and endogenous hypoxic stimuli from the various elements of the oxygen supply system are described. The role of intracellular HIF-dependent and HIF-independent pathways in adaptive reactions for maintaining an optimal intracellular metabolism is demonstrated. Cell mechanisms with adaptive roles in hypoxia/reoxygenation under the conditions of interval normobaric hypoxic therapy are discussed.

The review of current concepts and analysis of research results on the physiology of the oxygen supply functional system, its structural and functional status, and its molecular regulation under exogenous hypoxic conditions will draw attention to the expediency of further randomized clinical trials on interval normobaric hypoxytherapy as a rehabilitation method for patients with chronic cardiovascular diseases

About the authors

Grigoriy A. Ignatenko

Maxim Gorky Donetsk National Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3611-1186
SPIN-code: 3893-0662
Scopus Author ID: 57223894993
ResearcherId: Q-2716-2017

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), professor

Donetsk People's Republic, 16 Ilyich Avenue, 283003 Donetsk


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