The state and environmental challenges: views and approaches in Latin America



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The article examines the approaches of Latin American states in the face of environmental challenges. In particular, the topic of environmental issues’ influence on the political process of thе region is studied. This process can be interpreted not only as a demonstration of local «core-periphery» relations in Latin American states, but also as part of a general trend in postcolonial studies. The theories of development and postdevelopment, as well as local alternative models that have manifested themselves in the socio-political discourse of the Andean countries, are analyzed. Certain elements of their experience can be applied throughout the region, as well as contribute to the development of regional instruments for the protection of environmental rights, and therefore become an incentive for further implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Sobre autores

Aleksandr Shinkarenko

Institute of Latin America, Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russia


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