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卷 55, 编号 5 (2019)


Statistical Analysis of Precision Water Level Data from Observations in a Seismoactive Region: Case Study of the YuZ-5 Well, Kamchatka

Kopylova G., Lyubushin A., Boldina S.


A new method is presented for statistical analysis of long-term time series of water level observations aimed at distinguishing short-term disturbances; observation data from the YuZ-5 well, located in the Petropavlovsk Geodynamic Test Area, eastern Kamchatka, are considered. These data (from July 27, 2012, to February 1, 2018) are remarkable for their degree of detail: the sampling rate of the water level and atmospheric pressure measurements was 5 min and the sensitivity (accuracy) was ±0.1 cm for water level recording and ±0.1 hPa for atmospheric pressure. Also, five strong earthquakes with Mw = 6.5–8.3 occurred at epicentral distances of de = 80–700 km during the observation period. A thorough analysis of the hydrodynamic regime of the observation well over a long period and the high quality of observation data, together with the data on strong seismic events, allow us to consider the possibility of using formalized statistical methods of water level data processing for diagnostics of anomalous conditions. As a result of factor and cluster analysis applied to the sequence of multidimensional vectors of the statistical properties of water level time series in successive one-day-long time windows, after adaptive compensation for atmospheric pressure, four different statistically significant states of time series, replacing each other in time, are distinguished. Geophysical interpretation of the anomalous conditions of the water level time series (with a probability of 0.013) is carried out in comparison to strong earthquakes, technical conditions of observations, and seasonal features of the hydrodynamic regime in the observation well. It is shown that this method of water level data processing can detect short-term anomalies in the hydrogeodynamic regime of a well, significantly supplementing traditional processing of water level data aimed mostly at finding low-frequency trends in water level changes. This method can be applied in geophysical monitoring and prediction of earthquakes from online processing of water level data in wells.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(5):507-523
pages 507-523 views

Equipment and Methods for Studying Thermoacoustic Emission Memory Effects in Rocks

Kaznacheev P., Maybuk Z., Ponomarev A.


Thermally stimulated rock failure has been actively studied for over 30 years for solving both fundamental and applied problems. At the same time, there are features that make it difficult to obtain information on the development of thermal compared to mechanical damage. The article discusses three main problems: the small number of recorded acoustic emission pulses, the difference in thermal conditions during heating and cooling, and the high level of interference from conventional heating control systems. The article analyzes ways to solve these problems and proposes and develops an improved laboratory setup and methods for studying thermally stimulated rock failure.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(5):524-534
pages 524-534 views

Development of a Three-Axis Gradient System for Seismoacoustic Data Acquisition in Geodynamically Active Regions

Kaznacheev P., Matiukov V., Aleksandrov P., Nepeina K.


For geodynamically active regions of the Earth, the task of geophysical monitoring is very urgent; geodynamic processes act on geophysical properties and fields. A successful solution to the problem of separating a magnetotelluric field into endogenic and exogenic components allows detection of the moment of fissure initiation, but so far without localization of the active area. For such localization (as a first approximation, direction finding), it is possible to monitor the seismoacoustic field, which is also associated with fissuring. The article describes the development and testing of a three-axis gradient system for recording the seismoacoustic field. Its technical support and requirements are considered in detail. The article presents the results of testing the system at fixed stationary points of the Scientific Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek. Such a gradient system gives grounds to separate sources by the direction to them owing to the presence of a vertical and two transverse components.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(5):535-543
pages 535-543 views

Use of Waveform Cross Correlation to Reconstruct the Aftershock Sequence of the August 14, 2016, Sakhalin Earthquake

Kitov I., Turuntaev S., Konovalov A., Stepnov A., Pupatenko V.


The waveform cross correlation technique is used to detect signals from aftershocks of the ML = 6.1, August 14, 2016, Sakhalin earthquake using regional seismic network data. Regular P- and S-wave phase arrivals are associated with seismic sources; the resulting cross correlation bulletin is compared with a standard seismic bulletin for the same aftershock sequence. An advantage of the cross correlation bulletin is that it has more detected seismic events tied to three or more stations and a lower catalog completeness threshold; even the epicenters of the weakest aftershocks are located with greater accuracy. The exact aftershock locations tend to cluster along a narrow zone related to the Central Sakhalin Fault.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(5):544-558
pages 544-558 views

Seismotectonic Studies of the Sarma Paleoseismic Dislocation (Western Coast of Lake Baikal)

Chipizubov A., Smekalin O., Imaev V.


The article presents the results of the first integrated geological and geophysical studies of the Sarma paleoseismic dislocation (PSD). Based on interpretation of sections of trench walls, analysis of shallow geophysics data (electric survey, seismic survey, ground-penetrating radar), and morphological profiling of microforms of the seismogenic relief, a conclusion has been reached on transpressional deformations. The displacement planes of the main reverse faults and thrusts dip to the northwest; minor ones, to the southeast. The kinematic characteristics of seismic movements indicate the formation of dislocations in the Primorsky fault zone under subhorizontal compression conditions.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(5):559-571
pages 559-571 views

Adjustment of a Seismic Impact Model of an Extended Source According to Regional Macroseismic Data

Peretokin S., Medvedeva N., Danilova T., Akatova K.


This article continues studies on advancing the methodology for seismic zoning of the Russian Federation. Computational technologies for probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA), which have been used extensively worldwide, were developed at the end of the 20th and have barely changed over the past 20 years. As a rule, recent studies have focused on refining the models included in the calculation: the source zone model and the seismic impact model. Global practice utilizes the PSHA technology both for the construction of general seismic zoning (GSZ) maps and at the stage of detailed investigations in engineering and seismological surveys for building particular objects. At the same time, in accordance with the scale of a survey, detailed elaboration of the source zone model is done and the seismic impact model based on regional data is adjusted. In 2010–2016, while updating GSZ-97 and developing the GSZ-2012/2014/2016 maps, S.A. Peretokin and E.V. Bodyakin, under the supervision of V.I. Ulomov, upgraded the related software. The new user interface was called EAST-2016. This article illustrates the use of GSZ-97 technology at the stage of refining initial seismicity assessments. A case study of the southern coast of the Crimean Peninsula has been used to adjust the seismic impact model of an extended source based on regional macroseismic data. The obtained parameters can be used to refine the initial seismicity of the specified territory.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(5):572-588
pages 572-588 views

Remote Real-Time Structure Health Monitoring with MINI-SMIK

Aleshin I., Ivanov S., Kholodkov K., Perederin F., Osika V., Pavlov E.


This paper describes real-time data acquisition for a structure health monitoring solution called MINI-SMIK (sistema monitoringa inzhenernykh konstruktsii—structure health monitoring system). The configuration of the equipment in this work includes two IN120 inclinometers and a DC200 strainmeter. An RC Module MB77.07 single-board computer (SBC) in a special sealed enclosure is used to log and transmit data. The SBC receives data over an RS-485 link then converts it to the miniSEED format and transmits the measurements in real-time to the data center using the SEEDLink protocol. Data can be sent over a local area network or the Internet via wireless (e.g., cellular) networking. Encrypted virtual private networks (VPNs) have been used successfully for secure data transmission via public networks.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(5):589-595
pages 589-595 views

Study of Vibrations of Bearing Structures in the Bell Tower Gate Church of Danilov Monastery during Ringing of the Set of Historical Bells

Kalinina A., Vladov M., Volkov V., Ammosov S., Volkov N.


In September 2008, the historical set of bells was returned to Moscow’s Danilov Monastery. The bells, with a total weight of 27 tons, were placed in the bell tower using a new suspension system. The article presents the results of estimating the vibration parameters of the structural elements of the bell tower and the gate church in terms of existing safety standards. Measurements were carried out at 19 points using Güralp CMG-6T three-axis broadband velocimeters. The research led to the conclusion that the vibration impact on the bell tower and church does not exceed the existing standards of permissible vibration impacts on architectural monuments.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(5):596-606
pages 596-606 views

Deep Structural and Tectonic Features of Focal Zones of 21st Century Earthquakes in the Northwest Part of the Greater Caucasus

Rogozhin E., Gorbatikov A., Stepanova M., Kharazova Y., Sysolin A., Rybin A.


The article summarizes the available and newly collected data on the near-surface and deep structure and modern geodynamics of key regions of the northwest part of the Greater Caucasus. Models of the fault-block structure of this orogen and the nature of seismogenic displacements along the faults on its northwest pericline have been developed. The reasons for the abrupt change of the fold-block structure in the area of the Anapa seismogenerating flexural-fault zone are clarified. Detailed models of the near-surface and deep structure were constructed for a number of the most important seismogenerating structures in the Northwestern Caucasus that caused the Lower Kuban-II earthquake on November 9, 2002, with M = 4.7, and the Su-Psekh event on December 10, 2012, with Mw = 4.3, as well as the Pshekh earthquake on November 15, 2004 in Krasnodar krai with M = 4.6. Three-dimensional geodynamic and seismotectonic models of seismogenerating structures were constructed based on the results of field geological and geophysical surveys.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(5):607-619
pages 607-619 views

Fractional Points in Engineering Seismology and Earthquake-Proof Design

Demenkova M., Uzdin A.


The article considers the possibility and necessity of using fractional points in earthquake-proof design. It is noted that in engineering seismology problems, the use of integer points is justified in estimating earthquake strength. The authors propose calling these macroseismic points. In earthquake-proof design problems, the use of fractional points becomes necessary, making it possible to differentiate impacts on buildings and structures. Three examples are considered requiring the use of fractional points: determining the calculated point score and peak accelerations for a given recurrence of impact, determining the earthquake-proof class of operating facilities, assessing seismic risk, and constructing the damage distribution density function during earthquakes.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(5):620-624
pages 620-624 views

S.V. Medvedev’s Contribution to the Creation and Development of the Journal Voprosyinzhenernoy seismologii (Problems of Engineering Seismology)

Sidorin A.


The article was written in conjunction with the 60th anniversary of the founding of the journal Voprosyinzhenernoy seismologii (Problems of Engineering Seismology) (ISSN: 0132-2826, eISSN: 2311-9586, http://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=25597, URL: http://qes.ifz.ru, subscription index: 42350). The journal was founded by Sergey Vasilievich Medvedev (1910–1977), the foremost specialist in the field of engineering seismology, who was its editor-in-chief (managing editor) for 20 years. In this period, the foundations of national engineering seismology were laid, and the journal played a crucial role in the establishment and development of this science. Medvedev organized thematic issues in key areas of Russia’s emerging field of engineering seismology and published the results of his research in the journal, which determined for years ahead the further development of engineering seismology. He focused greatly on unifying data, their acquisition and processing, and he developed and published various instructions, recommendations, and research programs in the pages of the journal. The article considers Medvedev’s contribution as editor-in-chief and his own publications in advancing such areas of engineering seismology as seismic zoning of the USSR, seismic microzoning, creating scales for determining earthquake strength, and studying seismic ground vibrations during blasting, the impact of seismic oscillations on structures, and relationships between isoseists, depth, and energy of earthquakes.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(5):625-631
pages 625-631 views