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卷 55, 编号 1 (2019)


Apparatus for Physical Modeling of the Electroseismic Effect of the First Kind

Zeigarnik V., Klyuchkin V.


The paper describes a modified apparatus for physically modeling the electroseismic effect of the first kind in rocks. The apparatus makes it possible to simulate the effect when a rock sample is exposed to an electric field with and without current in the sample. Two methods can be used for measuring changes in the acoustic field propagation velocity. The first method excites a pulsed acoustic field and measures the time it takes for the field to propagate from the source to the receiver; the second measures the phase modulation of a sinusoidal acoustic field when the sample is exposed to an electric field. The first method has two modifications: in the first, only an electric field without an active current component is generated in a sample; in the second, both an electric field and an active current component are generated. The apparatus includes a signal generator that excites coherent electric and acoustic fields in rock samples. Field coherence makes it possible to apply an interference-immune phase method for measuring the velocity of a sinusoidal acoustic field and to decrease the sensitivity threshold for a change in velocity from 0.2 to 0.02%. The authors present results of modeling the effect using saltwater-saturated limestone and sandstone samples (four each) with a mineralization factor of 1%. When the electric field was switched on, all samples demonstrated an approximately 0.2% decrease in acoustic field velocity. In the 2–200 kHz frequency range, the velocity decrease does not depend on frequency for all limestone and sandstone samples. It is shown that the modified apparatus can reliably detect the electroseismic effect without a current in a sample, despite the fact that its value exceeds the sensitivity threshold by only 20–25 dB. Field coherence makes it possible to measure the relaxation time of the acoustic field velocity after an electric field without a current in a sample is switched on and off. The authors demonstrate that after the electric field is switched on, the relaxation time of the acoustic field velocity does not exceed 2 ms, and after it is switched off, this value is 10–20 ms. The relaxation time difference can be used to assess the nonlinearity of the electroseismic effect of the first kind.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(1):1-9
pages 1-9 views

Effect of Meteorological Factors on the Level of Microseismic Noise during Long-Term Gravimetric Observations

Malysheva D., Abramov D., Drobyshev M., Koneshov V.


To determine the degree of influence of meteorological factors on long-term gravimetric measurements, crustal reaction to the variable atmospheric pressure is estimated in the frequency range corresponding to the period of accumulation of one and series of single counts of the gravimeter. The experiment revealed a change in the level of microseismic oscillations caused by variable atmospheric pressure. The experimental results of long-term observations at a gravimetric measurement point indicate that the level of microseismic oscillations is significantly lower at higher atmospheric pressure. With a decrease in atmospheric pressure, the highest amplitudes in the microseismic noise spectrum are observed in the frequency range of 0.05–0.5 Hz. The necessity of removing daily variations in the microseism levels caused by variable ambient temperature is shown.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(1):10-16
pages 10-16 views

Automated Seismic Monitoring System for the European Arctic

Fedorov A., Asming V., Jevtjugina Z., Prokudina A.


The paper describes the automated seismic monitoring system for the European Arctic based on an international seismic network located in the region. The core of the system is the NSDL software package developed by the authors for automated detection and location of seismic events. NSDL is designed to automatically monitor the seismic activity of a region using a seismic network, seismic arrays, or individual three-component seismic stations. The described system has two levels. The first level consists of single-station data-processing programs that implement algorithms for detecting and prelocating seismic events based on data from individual three-component seismic stations and arrays. The second level is a program for associating individual station data-processing results, which performs joint location over the network based on events and phases of seismic waves detected at the first processing level. NSDL makes it possible to use a set of 1D layered velocity models for locating remote events the wave propagation paths from which cross regions of the medium with different velocity properties. Decisions about the truth or falsity of the detected candidate events are made with a Bayesian classifier based on the evaluation of a number of amplitude, spectral, and polarization parameters both for single-station and joint (network) processing of seismic events. The use of the seismic monitoring system for the Arctic region showed high reliability of automatically obtained results, significantly sped up the compilation of the final analyst-verified catalogs, and significantly increased the representativeness of the resulting bulletin due to weak events. The level of detail achieved by the described system makes it possible to take a fresh look at the development and structure of the seismic process in the European Arctic and in particular to record seismic events associated not only with tectonic processes but also with cryospheric destruction processes.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(1):17-23
pages 17-23 views

Seismic Events in 2014–2016 around the Karelian Isthmus and Their Nature

Assinovskaya B., Gabsatarova I., Panas N., Uski M.


For the first time in aseismic Leningrad oblast, the local St. Petersburg seismic network recorded 32 compactly localized seismic events with a unique wave pattern and magnitudes МL = –0.6 to +2.1. The nature of the events has been studied, and spectrograms and cluster analysis are used to show the difference between the records of these events and blasts at the Vyborg station. The source parameters and focal mechanism of thrust-strike movement along a possible northwest-trending fault plane were determined, which proves the tectonic origin of the events. Synthetic seismograms of the strongest event on December 18, 2016, at 00:20 have been constructed, the shapes of which correspond to the position of the source at a depth of 2 km. A map of earthquake epicenters has been compiled, and a 4-km-long NS-trending seismogenic zone has been identified as a fault that bounds the Vyborg rapakivi intrusion from the east, and possibly a new rupture that has occurred in near the long- and intensely functioning Erkilja quarry. The regional earthquakes that took place in the historical and instrumental periods of observations have been described. A database of blasts from known quarries has been created. The velocity model has been refined.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(1):24-40
pages 24-40 views

On Certain Conventional Misconceptions in Seismology

Burmin V.


The history of science abounds in examples when misconceptions dominated the scientific community and did it significant harm. New ideas in science have always cut their paths with great difficulty. Inertial thinking and the temptation to adhere to stereotypes often hamper the development of knowledge and lead to erroneous interpretations of experimental data. Often a scientist has to face the skepticism of his colleagues and even the distrust of the community. Moreover, if new knowledge contradicts the established methodological schemes that are generally accepted in a particular scientific field, a creator of innovations can almost inevitably expect attack. Misconceptions inhibit, but sometimes lead to the development of our knowledge in understanding processes occurring deep in the Earth’s interior. These examples, of course, do not exhaust all misconceptions in the earth sciences, and any researcher, if desired, can easily supplement this list. Misconceptions in science culminate in researchers obtaining incorrect results or simply hitting a dead end. Thus, if the coordinates of hypocenters are incorrectly determined, a subsequent chain of incorrect conclusions arises when studying particular regions. In addition to the objective consequences of misconceptions, subjective consequences cause considerable harm. Subjective consequences entail the effect of when individual scientists are held captive by misconceptions—due to ignorance or misunderstanding of individual aspects of certain problems—on the emergence of new ideas and approaches in a particular field. Most often, this manifests itself when scientists review articles and dissertations by their peers. In this article, the author gives several examples of misconceptions, which, in his opinion, are typical of the field in which he has worked for many years. In particular, this concerns misconceptions related to determining the hypocentral coordinates of earthquakes, seismic tomography, the inverse dynamic problem, reversal of seismic wave travel-time curves, etc. Twelve misconceptions are considered in all, which in one way or another affect the development of alternative methods for interpreting seismological data and our understanding of the Earth’s structure.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(1):41-58
pages 41-58 views

Effect of Earthquake Catalog Declustering on Seismic Hazard Assessment

Galina N., Bykova V., Vakarchuk R., Tatevosian R.


The paper investigates the effect of different methods for preprocessing earthquake catalogs (declustering, i.e., removal of dependent events from them, and selection of the magnitude of completeness) on seismic hazard assessment. Seismic catalogs of the Kamchatka and Caucasus regions have been used for the analysis, because synthetic catalogs do not always reflect the real features of regional seismicity. Test sites were selected for these regions. Three declustering methods are considered that leave different numbers of events in the catalogs. The plotted seismic hazard curves indicate a complex interaction of catalog declustering and selection of the magnitude of completeness. Since both methods affect the b-value, it cannot be predicted in advance, which will lead to an increase or decrease in the estimate for b. After it is applied, the declustering method leaves the largest number of events in the catalog, but does not always give the highest seismic hazard rating. Therefore, it is necessary to be extremely careful and attentive when declustering a catalog. At the very least, it should be borne in mind that the end result may be unpredictable.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(1):59-69
pages 59-69 views

Regional Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Sakhalin Island

Konovalov A., Manaychev K., Stepnov A., Gavrilov A.


The first regional attenuation relationship of peak ground accelerations is developed for Sakhalin Island based on data from a strong motion network and local network of seismometers. The applicability limits and standard error of the relationship are determined. The developed relationship is recommended for use in seismic hazard assessments for Sakhalin Island and the adjacent shelf, including updating of general seismic zoning maps. The ground motion prediction equation models calculated for other Earth regions suitable for Sakhalin are selected.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(1):70-77
pages 70-77 views

Ring-Shaped Seismicity Structures in the Northern Balkan Region: Possible Preparation of Large Earthquakes

Kopnichev Y., Sokolova I.


Certain seismicity characteristics in the northern Balkan region are studied. A method is used based on identification of ring-shaped seismicity structures that often form prior to large earthquakes in continental regions. Relatively large, shallow (h = 0–33 km), ring-shaped structures are identified within two areas where no relatively large earthquakes (М ≥ 6.5) have occurred since 1900. The meridional structure with a threshold magnitude Mth = 4.2 and major axis length L ~ 150 km formed within the western area bounded by coordinates of 42.0–44.5° N and 15.5–17.5° Е. A larger structure (Мth = 4.1, L ~ 180 km) has been revealed within the eastern area (41.0–43.5° N and 21.5–23.5° Е). Apart from shallow rings, deep seismicity bands (h = 34–70 km) formed within both areas. Magnitudes of possible large events are estimated based on previously obtained correlation dependences of the seismicity ring parameters on the energy of large earthquakes with different focal mechanisms: Mw = 7.2 ± 0.2 and Mw = 6.7 ± 0.1 for the western and eastern areas, respectively. By analogy with some continental regions (primarily, Greece), we suggest that the epicenters of possible large earthquakes can be located near the intersections of shallow rings and deep seismicity bands. The conclusion is made that a large event is the most probable within the eastern area in the near years.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(1):78-83
pages 78-83 views

Spatial Distribution of Crustal Earthquakes in the Caucasus

Burmin V., Shemeleva I., Fleyfel L., Avetisyan A., Kazaryan K.


Previous results on the location of crustal earthquake foci in the Caucasus clearly show that the methods used in seismic service practice to determine the hypocenters of earthquakes do not allow accurate localization of events and can hardly be used to forecast earthquakes or study the structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle in detail. The arrival times of seismic waves often have large errors that prevent qualitative processing of observations and, therefore, is is difficult to obtain reliable results. In addition, the use of only one velocity curve or one set of travel-time curves for all stations of the network hinders accurate determination of the location of earthquake hypocenters. In order to localize earthquake foci with high precision, it is also necessary to have a sufficiently detailed representation of the structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle in the studied region. It is also desirable to take information about the structure of the region not from earthquake data, but based on other observations, e.g., deep seismic sounding (DSS) data. Using seismological bulletins for 1970–2015, we have redetermined the hypocentral coordinates of crustal earthquakes in the Caucasus. The new distribution of crustal earthquake hypocenters in the Caucasus differs significantly from the old distribution obtained from the catalog. This may become the basis for refining ideas about the regional geodynamics.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(1):84-91
pages 84-91 views

Microseismic and Vibroseismic Testing of a House: Comparative Study of Results with the Example of a Typical Privately Owned Residential House in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Orunbaev S., Mendekeyev R., Moldobekov B., Rodkin M.


By virtue of their cost-effectiveness and ease of implementation in various practical situations, microseism-analysis methods are most widely used in seismic engineering surveys. It has been shown that analyzing the response of a structure to microseisms usually yields fairly complete information on its resonance properties and spectral ratio. An inherent disadvantage of impacting a structure with a field of microseisms is that seismic vibrations thus produced have small amplitudes, which in principle prevent detection of probable nonlinear responses from both the structure and soil strata to large earthquakes. To a certain extent, especially for small-sized structures, this disadvantage can be compensated by using the technique of artificial vibration impacts. The paper compares the results of applying microseism-analysis methods and the technique of artificial vibration impacts for seismic engineering survey of a typical small residential house. A vibratory roller is used as a source of impacts. This vibroroller enables simulation of impacts with an intensity of up to VI on the entire surveyed house and up to IX on some of its components. The two approaches have produced results that agree well in terms of the estimated characteristics of the structure. However, when studying soil strata with vibration impacts, an additional low-frequency diffuse maximum was observed with a period of 0.3–0.7 s, which overlapped the period of natural oscillations of the examined building in the E–W direction. This additional low-frequency period of soil strata oscillations can be due to either a boundary in soil at a depth of 20–30 m that generates resonant vibrations or the incipient soil liquefaction effect. With the available data, we find it difficult to choose between these two plausible explanations. The above comparisons indicate the limitations of conducting seismic engineering surveys by microseism-analysis methods. Based on the analysis, recommendations are given on the orientation for this type of buildings under construction.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(1):92-100
pages 92-100 views

Application of Similarity and Dimensional Theory for Seismic Treatment

Erteleva O., Aptikaev F.


The paper considers the problem of seismic treatment in building codes. Some definitions used in earthquake engineering in Russia and abroad are analyzed. Inconsistencies between definitions and empirical data and similarity and dimensional theory are revealed. Seismic treatment is still based on different assumptions that were made during in the early days of engineering seismology and earthquake engineering despite advances in modern seismology in theoretical problems and a representative strong ground motion database. Many of these assumptions were made in violation of the rules of similarity and dimensional theory, and these errors migrated to modern building codes. For example, the definitions of magnitude, duration of vibrations, quality factor, ground accelerations, and some other quantities used in regulations in the engineering scope of seismic ground motion turned out to be incorrect. This is because many definitions valid for small deformations are incorrect for large ones. Confusion with terminology causes many problems: definitions of some quantities (e.g., the duration of vibrations or the vibration period) used in calculations depend on the posed problem. There are both identical definitions for different physical quantities and different definitions for the same quantity even in the glossaries of regulations. Physically incorrect definitions of some quantities that can lead to incorrect engineering calculation results are a significant source of calculation errors. The paper considers dimensionless quantities that describe seismic ground motion. Dimensionless quantities do not depend on the scale of the phenomenon according to similarity and dimensional theory. Therefore, the use of seismic treatment characteristics, such as the dynamic amplification factor, deformation, shape of the response spectrum, shape of the vibration envelope, and number of vibration cycles, greatly increases calculation accuracy.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(1):101-110
pages 101-110 views

On Setting the Level of Seismic Effect in Seismic Intensity Scales and Design Standards

Nesterova O., Tkachenko A., Uzdin A., Dolgaya A., Smirnova L., Youhai G.


It is noted in the article that the increase in peak ground acceleration (PGA) by a factor of about 1.4 proposed by seismologists in a project of seismic intensity scale clearly reflects the lessons learned from earthquakes of the past. However, the use of suggested PGA values in the design codes and standards requires modification of the codes and standards themselves, as well as differentiated approach to defining the design level of PGA. Engineers should consider the dependence of the design PGA on the oscillation periods of structures, whereas seismologists should differentiate the PGA value depending on the prevailing period of the seismic effect. Transition to the new seismic scale affects the design and maximum design earthquakes differently. The intensity of a design earthquake for objects of massive structure does not exceed VII on the MSK scale, and in this aspect the new seismic scale does not differ considerably from the existing one. For maximum design earthquakes, PGA increases significantly, but the criterion of seismic resistance changes from acceleration of the structure to the work of plastic deformation forces. In this case, possible destruction depends little on PGA, but rather on such energy seismic effect characteristics as the Arias intensity, absolute cumulative velocity, and seismic energy density. A correct approach to calculation when carrying out the performance-based design and transition to the new intensity scale would not lead to higher costs for most buildings and structures. Moreover, if one does not use the new scale, transition to modern methods of performance-based design will be impossible.

Seismic Instruments. 2019;55(1):111-116
pages 111-116 views