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卷 52, 编号 4 (2016)


Paleoseismological investigations in the pleistoseismal zone of the 1885 Belovodskoe earthquake, North Tien Shan

Smekalin O., Imaev V., Korzhenkov A., Chipizubov A.


The results of paleoseismological investigations to find the epicentral area of the Belovodskoe earthquake are presented. New data on prehistoric earthquakes have been obtained resulting from a seismic deformation study using trenching. It is found that seismic dislocations during the reactivation of the fault by the 1885 earthquake did not extend east of the Sokuluk River. In addition, the age and kinematic features of a paleoearthquake located in the area between the Sokuluk and Alamedin rivers are specified. This earthquake occurred in the interval of 887–1533 cal BC and was no less than 7.1 in magnitude. The minimal estimated earthquake source length is 32 km and the reverse-fault amplitude is 3.8 m.

Seismic Instruments. 2016;52(4):279-289
pages 279-289 views

The Zagan earthquake of February 1, 2011, in the low-seismoactive zone of western Transbaikalia: Observations and analysis

Melnikova V., Seredkina A., Radziminovich Y., Melnikov A., Gilyova N., Tubanov T.


We described the February 1, 2011 (Mw = 4.7) Zagan earthquake occurred in the area of the Zagan range. This event is one of the most significant in western Transbaikalia. Macroseismic effects of this seismic event were felt over a wide territory: the intensity of II was observed at the distance of more than 300 km. Earthquake focal parameters (hypocentral depth, seismic moment, moment magnitude and focal mechanism) calculated from the data on surface wave amplitude spectra correspond to the structural position of the origin connected with a zone of plastic flow (slip) bordering the northwest slope of the Zagan range (similar complex of the metamorphic core). The results obtained prove the existence of the continental extension processes in this area.

Seismic Instruments. 2016;52(4):290-300
pages 290-300 views

Velocity response spectra: Estimates of parameters and shapes

Erteleva O.


Based on analysis of the empirical data on velocities of strong ground motions, the average shape of the velocity response spectrum was established for the first time. The basic parameters of the spectrum were studied, such as the logarithmic width and dynamic amplification factor β. As well, the asymmetry of the velocity response spectra and the steepness of their slopes were estimated. The mean values of all these parameters and corresponding standard deviations were determined. The results can be used for seismic treatment assessment.

Seismic Instruments. 2016;52(4):301-307
pages 301-307 views

Formalization of assessing radioactive waste burial site seismic regime parameters from seismological and geological data

Bugaev E., Kishkina S., Seelev I.


A model is proposed that shows the relation of the block structure of the crust and earthquake sources (Sadovskii, 1979; Rodionov, 1979, 1984, 1994; Bugaev, 1999, 2011, 2014, 2015). The model can formalize how to assess the prediction of seismic regime parameters depending on the elastic limit and conditions and rate of deformation of the Earth’s crust. The spent nuclear fuel repository site in Olkiluoto (Finland) and a site in the area of the Krasnoyarsk Mining and Chemical Combine are considered as examples. It is demonstrated that the parameters of the prediction graphs limit the location of the points of magnitude repeatability graphs calculated for a site based on samples of earthquakes in the area according to different authors. This makes it possible to recommend predictive assessment of seismic regime parameters for stability monitoring of the seismic regime and safety analysis of a geological environment’s insulation properties for waste sites from the results of seismological monitoring and high-precision observations of modern movements of the Earth’s crust.

Seismic Instruments. 2016;52(4):308-314
pages 308-314 views

Estimation of maximum mass velocities in the focal zones of strong earthquakes based on measured displacements of rock blocks: A case study of Kyrgyzstan

Rodkin M., Korzhenkov A., Orumbaev S.


An important task in seismic hazard assessment is estimation of the intensity and frequency of extremely strong earthquake effects, in particular, peak ground velocities (PGV). Earlier, a method was proposed to evaluate PGV values based on the magnitude of displacements of rock blocks (Rodkin et al., 2012). In this study, this method is used to analyze field data on the source zones of the August 19, 1992, MS = 7.3 Susamyr earthquake and the January 3, 1911, Mw = 7.9 Kemin earthquake, and estimate maximum ground shaking at the upper construction site of the Upper Naryn series of hydropower plants, Kyrgyz Republic. It is shown that the resulting estimates are consistent with data obtained through other techniques. Therefore, the new approach can be recommended to estimate earthquake effects.

Seismic Instruments. 2016;52(4):315-322
pages 315-322 views

Use of the standing wave method to study seismically insulated buildings

Emanov A., Krasnikov A.


The use of the standing wave method to study seismically insulated buildings is substantiated. For two buildings of interest with different types of seismic protection (a “flexible” floor and rubber base insulators), the total field of standing waves is studied in detail. Effects that raise doubts about the reliability of seismic protection are found. Estimation of the role of nonlinear vibrations in standing waves has made it possible to establish that weak nonlinearity is recorded at high-frequency modes at small vibration amplitudes, due to discordant vibrations of the building components. The data obtained by the standing wave method are recommended for verifying models used to calculate seismic insulation of buildings.

Seismic Instruments. 2016;52(4):323-349
pages 323-349 views

The earthquake of February 3, 2015, near Sumy, Ukraine: Source parameters and focal mechanism

Shumlianska L., Aleksandrov A.


The parameters of the earthquake that took place February 3, 2015, near the city of Sumy, Ukraine, were calculated from an analysis of records obtained by both Russian and Ukrainian seismic stations (Poltava, Skvira, Nikolaev, Dneropetrovsk, and Desna). The calculated hypocenter depth of 54 km was verified by several approaches: isolation of deep PP, SP phases from the records of remote stations and solution of the kinematic problem for the Poltava station. The focal mechanism as shear with a complex fault component was determined by the first arrivals of P-waves. The data on the azimuthal travel-time curve confirm the focal mechanism. We have calculated the earthquake parameters; they are as follows: length gap L1 = 8.08 km, L2 = 6.68 km, a destruction rate of C = 2 km/s. We have obtained the dynamic parameters of the event. The calculated fault length (L = 5.46 km) within the accuracy limits of the method coincides with the early result obtained by the azimuthal travel-time curve. On the basis of these results, we suggest that elastic energy release and formation of the dislocations in the earthquake source occurred on a smooth, prefractured fault (σr > 0). Association of the hypocenter with the tectonic node of the northern marginal fault of the Dnieper–Donets graben and northern branch of Kryvyi Rih–Kremenchuk suture confirm this. Here, we observe a considerable Moho depth, structural alteration, and high gradients of the temperature and magnetic and electric rock properties in the lower Earth’s crust and upper mantle. These circumstances are favorable for the earthquake occurring here.

Seismic Instruments. 2016;52(4):350-359
pages 350-359 views