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卷 52, 编号 1 (2016)


Seismic monitoring of industrial objects: Problems and solutions

Antonovskaya G., Kapustian N., Rogozhin E.


Using the example of safety provision problems of hydraulic engineering structures (HESs), the seismic monitoring experience is analyzed (parameters of states of objects, equipment and schemes for fulfilling seismic observations) and, based on this, it is proposed to modify existing industrial monitoring practices. The efficiency of the different kinds of the HES monitoring performed by the united seismic equipment with an expanded dynamic range is shown. Innovative instrumental solutions for recording seismic signals are described.

Seismic Instruments. 2016;52(1):1-8
pages 1-8 views

JORES, a portable recorder of geophysical parameters

Makhmudov E.


JORES, a portable recorder of geophysical parameters, developed at Kamchatka Branch of Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences, is described. Its peculiarities are universality, compactness, low power consumption, and low cost.

Seismic Instruments. 2016;52(1):9-18
pages 9-18 views

Detection of regional phases of seismic body waves using an array of three-component sensors

Kitov I., Volosov S., Kishkina S., Konstantinovskaya N., Nepeina K., Nesterkina M., Sanina I.


A small-aperture seismic array consisting of seven three-component seismometers carried out continuous measurements of regional seismicity in a selected area of the Nizhni Novgorod nuclear power plant during four months of 2013. Automatic signal detection using beamforming was applied separately for each motion component. Two horizontal components were transformed into radial and transverse components for the given values of the velocity and azimuth of the plane wave front. We have investigated the dependence of the coherence of microseismic noise on frequency, azimuth, and slowness, as well as determining the level of cross-correlation between signals on separate channels in order to estimate expected improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio, which is crucial for signal detection. Most signals detected by the seismic array from regional sources are associated with quarry blasts. Using repetitive explosions at seven quarries, we have quantitatively estimated and compared the increase in detection efficiency of regional seismic phases using a three-component small aperture seismic array and a subarray of vertical sensors. Horizontal sensors showed a higher efficiency in the detection of transverse waves, while the subarray of vertical sensors missed S-waves from certain events. For one of the nearby quarries, the vertical subarray missed up to 25% of events (5 of 20). The results of the investigation point to the need for the use of three-component seismic arrays for the study of regional seismicity.

Seismic Instruments. 2016;52(1):19-31
pages 19-31 views

ADAP software for automatic detection of ash emission at active volcanoes and calculations of ash plume height using seismological data

Bliznetsov V., Senyukov S.


ADAP (Automatic Detection of Ash Plume) software intended for automatic detection of the seismic signals accompanying ash emission at the active volcanoes is designed and introduced. This software also calculates the height of the ash plume in real time and automatically sends information on the detected hazardous ash emissions by e-mail and SMS to scientists on duty. The reliability of the program is estimated at 70%. The program has no current analogues.

Seismic Instruments. 2016;52(1):32-42
pages 32-42 views

Towards global seismic monitoring of underground nuclear explosions using waveform cross correlation. Part I: Grand master events

Bobrov D., Kitov I., Rozhkov M., Friberg P.


We propose to use waveform cross correlation techniques for seismic monitoring of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) by proving the ability to build the Global Grid (GG) of master events using high-quality waveform templates at stations of the International Monitoring System. In seismically active regions, the choice of the highest quality and most representative signals from earthquakes as templates for master events is straightforward and one can reduce the current amplitude detection threshold at the International Data Centre (IDC) by a factor of 2 to 3. This gain practically doubles the number of built events, and thus, is crucial for seismic monitoring under the CTBT. However, the coverage by real masters is confined to areas with natural seismicity. Here, we investigate the possibility to populate the GG with real and synthetic master events as a two part study. In Part I, we estimate the effectiveness of cross correlation based on a regular grid filled with grand-master events with replicated high-quality waveform templates.In Part II, we develop and estimate efficiency of synthetic waveform templates for aseismic zones. Both approaches are quantitatively tested using the aftershock sequence of the April 11, 2012 Sumatera earthquake. The cross correlation bulletin previously built using sixteen real master events is a natural benchmark to evaluate the performance of the replicated masters and synthetic waveforms. In Part I, we prove that the replicated grand masters demonstrate the performance at the level of real masters. The Primary IMS Seismic Network includes many array stations, which provide a higher resolution monitoring based on cross correlation.

Seismic Instruments. 2016;52(1):43-59
pages 43-59 views

Results of comparison of predicted Earth tidal parameters and observational data

Spiridonov E.


A comparative analysis of predicted values of delta factors and phase shifts of eight major tidal waves obtained using a newly developed domestic tidal prediction software ATLANTIDA3.1_2014, their observed values, and values calculated using the PREDICT software from the ETERNA3.4 package, averaging over nine oceanic tidal models, is carried out. According to various criteria, the results returned by our software proved to be on average closer to the observations on 14 superconducting gravimeters of the GGP network than the results calculated by the PREDICT software. It is shown that this result is obtained both by the use of a more modern oceanic tidal model (FES2012) and a new model of the variation of amplitude delta factors with latitude (Spiridonov, 2014a).

Seismic Instruments. 2016;52(1):60-69
pages 60-69 views

Equipment for the studies of the acoustic properties of hydrate-containing samples in laboratory conditions

Duchkov A., Golikov N., Duchkov A., Manakov A., Permyakov M., Drobchik A.


Equipment for simulation in laboratory conditions of hydrate-containing artificial samples and measuring their acoustic properties (wave velocities, absorption and attenuation) at different temperature and pressures is designed and constructed. The plant consists of a high-pressure chamber (up to 45 MPa), a measuring system intended for the excitation and reception of acoustic waves, systems for temperature and pressure control (axial and lateral) and for gas/liquid delivery into the sample. The measurements are performed on cylindrical samples with a 30-mm diameter and height of 10–50 mm. A set of successful test experiments was performed, including measurements of acoustic velocities of consolidated (plexiglas, sandstone, and frozen sand) and unconsolidated (dry and wet quartz sand) samples and formation of methane-hydrate bearing samples.

Seismic Instruments. 2016;52(1):70-78
pages 70-78 views

Improvement of robustness and stability in estimating Rayleigh–Schuster’s hodograph parameters using different procedures of vector normalization

Desherevskii A., Sidorin A.


This paper deals with Rayleigh–Schuster’s hodographs, intended for the detailed investigation of changes in the phase of quasiperiodic signals in time series. The hodographs are also known as the phasor-walkout method. A procedure of conditional vector normalization is proposed: it takes into account the vector amplitude for each period under consideration. The procedure considerably improves the robustness and stability of the hodograph approach to changes in the character of the processed data distributions and to various defects in the data. For example, when analyzing the earthquake catalog, the procedure strongly diminishes the influence of the event clustering caused, in particular, by swarms of earthquakes with comparable magnitude and the aftershock sequences of strong earthquakes. At the first stage, we calculate the vector sums (resulting vectors) for each period under investigation throughout the time series duration. For example, investigating diurnal periodicity of earthquakes, we first calculate the resulting vectors for each day of the observation. The further analysis of resulting vectors for each period throughout the time series duration can be performed with different procedures. We compare three procedures for normalization of the obtained resulting vectors, which are as follows: (1) th traditional one, preserving the real signal amplitude; (2) that with reduction of the obtained resulting vectors to the unit vector (phasor); and (3) that with conditional vector normalization, taking into account the amplitude of resulting vectors for each period throughout the time series duration. The third procedure diminishes the possible instability in some special distributions of the investigated data when the resulting vector for a period is close to zero. The procedures are compared using model signals and samples from real earthquake catalogs. All the procedures used give close results when processing random time series.

Seismic Instruments. 2016;52(1):79-97
pages 79-97 views