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Vol 53, No 1 (2017)


The range of induction-coil magnetic field sensors for geophysical explorations

Poliakov S.V., Reznikov B.I., Shchennikov A.V., Kopytenko E.A., Samsonov B.V.


This paper reports the long-term teamwork results obtained by an expert group from the Radiophysical Research Institute (NIRFI) and VEGA Geophysics Ltd. (VEGA, St. Petersburg) in the course of designing modern induction-coil magnetic field sensors. A comparative analysis of the world’s most famous sensor models is carried out, and basic design and testing methods and features are considered. The range of low-noise induction-coil magnetometers (IMS-007, IMS-008, and IMS-009) designed by the authors for scientific and geophysical ground-based explorations is described. Research results are obtained from using the sensors for geothermal water exploration by broadband magnetotelluric sounding, investigation of the deep structure of the lithosphere by controlled source electromagnetic sounding, and monitoring of the Earth’s natural electromagnetic field.

Seismic Instruments. 2017;53(1):1-18
pages 1-18 views

Rationale for applying short-period sensors with extended frequency response for recording strong earthquakes

Besedina A.N., Kabychenko N.V.


The article proves the application of short-period sensors with extended frequency response as a reasonable alternative to broadband seismometers. We assessed uncertainties between magnitudes determined by short-period and broadband sensor data for earthquakes with M > 6 recorded at the Mikhnevo geophysical observatory in 2014. Data analysis consisted of body wave magnitude and surface wave magnitude estimates by standard seismological methods. Magnitude errors corresponded to the magnitude uncertainties in seismological catalogs.

Seismic Instruments. 2017;53(1):19-27
pages 19-27 views

Instrumental observations of geomagnetic disturbances prior to seismic events in several regions of China

Sobisevich L.E., Rogozhin E.A., Sobisevich A.L., Shen T., Liu Z.


The paper presents results of instrumental observations of seismic processes and variations in the Earth’s magnetic field at the stages of nucleation and development of earthquakes in the Chinese provinces of Qinghai, Sichuan and Yunnan. Data on manifestations of all these strong seismic events are indicated. Monitoring of the changes in the magnetic field is based on data obtained at the Northern Caucasus Geophysical Observatory, IPE RAS and integrated observation points of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, the Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, RAS (IZMIRAN). The experimental results have allowed us to represent the structure of induced anomalous geomagnetic disturbances, which can be associated with the development of related geodynamic processes in the geological medium of the seismic source zone.

Seismic Instruments. 2017;53(1):28-45
pages 28-45 views

Technologies for analyzing geophysical time Series: Part 1. Software requirements

Desherevskii A.V., Zhuravlev V.I., Nikolsky A.N., Sidorin A.Y.


Time series of geophysical monitoring data are very specific. They can contain complicated irregular variations and nonstationary effects of various kinds. Time-varying noise, numerous gaps in the data, trends, technical drawbacks, and other hardly predictable features are often present in these time series. These peculiarities demand special methods and procedures for acquisition and analysis of the data. The first part of the paper discusses the peculiarities of the software for such time series, and a brief review of the methods for solving the task is given. In the second part of the paper, the universal software package WinABD developed by the authors for multivariable analysis of geophysical time series will be described. The technologies realized in the software package and intended for analysis of similar signals will be considered.

Seismic Instruments. 2017;53(1):46-59
pages 46-59 views

KamIn information system for monitoring wave perturbations in the atmosphere on the Kamchatka Peninsula

Makhmudov E.R., Firstov P.P., Budilov D.I.


The KamIn information system (IS) created at the Kamchatka Branch of GS RAS to collect, store, and preprocess data on the wave perturbations in the atmosphere is described. The KamIn IS observation system and infrastructure are described in detail; they make it possible to select infrasonic signals that occur during volcanic eruptions on Kamchatka and in the northern Kurile Islands both in the operational and regular mode. The results of the IS performance in 2010–2016 are summarized.

Seismic Instruments. 2017;53(1):60-69
pages 60-69 views

Intrinsic noise of seismometers at frequencies from 0.01 to 0.1 Hz

Shevchenko Y.V., Yakovenko V.V.


The paper presents a comparative analysis of the intrinsic noises of seismometers operating at Kamchatka seismic stations: CMG-3TB (GURALP), CMG-5TD (GURALP), CMG-6TD (GURALP), GMS-AC-73i HHV (GeoSIG), SM3os (GEOTECH+), S5Sos (KF GS), and SM3kv. It is shown that the dynamic range of the seismometers is narrower at low frequencies in the area of weak signals.

Seismic Instruments. 2017;53(1):70-80
pages 70-80 views

Selecting a method for interpreting GPS measurements of geodynamic movements of a point of the Earth’s surface in the high-frequency range

Iljuchin A.A., Koneshov V.N.


Different variants for interpreting the data of vertical and horizontal channels of GPS measurements are examined during experimental works. The movements of an observation point are imitated experimentally in the vertical and horizontal directions at a geophysical observatory. The experiments are carried out on a pedestal with original benchmarks in both directions. The movements are imitated in the high-frequency range with different time values of movement from one point to another, which did not exceed 1 h. The errors in imaging movements of measurement points according to the results of interpreting the readings of GPS receivers are shown in relation to the benchmark movements of measurement points in the vertical and horizontal directions. These data are processed in the differential mode using the precise point positioning (PPP) method. The experimental results confirm that there is no potential of imaging vertical movements of the Earth’s surface caused by tidal observations according to GPS receiver data.

Seismic Instruments. 2017;53(1):81-86
pages 81-86 views

Use of artificial neural networks for classification of noisy seismic signals

Kislov K.V., Gravirov V.V.


Automatic identification of noisy seismic events is still a problem. The process involves the analysis of complex relationships between data from different sources. Moreover, there are disturbing factors such as poor signal-to-noise ratio, the presence of accidental bursts of man-made noise, and changes in the amplitude and phase of the waves as they travel through the medium. The amount of observed data increases rapidly, so it is imperative to develop suitable and effective methods for processing and analyzing the influx of big data. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) show promise as a disruptive technology that will accelerate and improve analysis of seismic signals. ANNs are easy to apply, and the results often outperform alternative methods. This paper gives an overview of the highs and lows of neural networks, discusses the possibility of routine processing of seismic signals using ANNs, and presents examples of some interesting applications. It is hoped that researchers who read the article will actively use this technique, because ANNs could become more robust and flexible for solving complex problems that currently cannot be solved by the standard approach.

Seismic Instruments. 2017;53(1):87-101
pages 87-101 views

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