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Author Guidelines

RULES FOR SENDING, REVIEWING AND PUBLISHING ARTICLES The journal does not charge authors for publishing articles, as well as for reviewing and preparing articles for publication (for articles accepted into the journal's portfolio).All the requirements contained in the Instructions are mandatory. Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements of the journal are returned to the authors without consideration.However, we understand that the preparation of a scientific article according to the requirements of the journal requires a lot of time and other expenses from the authors, and in case of refusal to accept the article before or after reviewing, this may be wasted time that the scientist could use for further research. Therefore, the authors must fulfill the basic requirements (basic blocks) for the design of a scientific article (the program "Your Paper, Your Way" (YPYW)), and after accepting the article into the journal's portfolio, the author must quickly bring the design to the appropriate level (the volume of the article, the number of drawings and the number of sources, the necessary translations).In some cases, the editorial board can assist the author in the design of the article according to the standard of the journal. If you are not sure whether the editorial board of the journal will be interested in the topic of your article, send a short request to the journal with a description of the main provisions of the proposed article.In order for the article to be accepted for consideration and reach the review, observe the requirements for the volume of the article (different types of articles have their own volume standards).All materials, including illustrations, are presented in 2 copies.The article must be accompanied by an electronic version of the article (on disk or as an attached file in an email) in Word or TEXT format (text files are duplicated by a file (PDF).Important! The file name should be in the following format: in the first place the author's surname in Latin (Cyrillic in the file name is not allowed!) and the version number of the article, for example: Ivanov-Petr-1.docx .The pages should be numbered. Sending materials in archived form is not allowed.The text should be printed on standard pages


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