The effect of a static magnetic field on the low-frequency dielectric permittivity of nominally pure and Co2+ ions doped triglycine sulfate crystals

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The effect of a weak static magnetic field on the low-frequency dielectric permittivity of the crystals of nominally pure triglycine sulfate (TGS): and TGS containing cobalt ions (TGS + Co2+) is investigated. In TGS, the magnetic effect is essentially anisotropic: it is completely absent when the vectors \(\vec {B}\) and \({{\vec {P}}_{{\text{s}}}}\) are collinear and is most pronounced when \(\vec {B} \bot {{\vec {P}}_{{\text{s}}}}\) and the magnetic field is oriented along the crystallophysical axis \(\vec {a}\). In TGS + Co2+ magnetic effect is noticeably stronger than in TGS, but practically does not depend on the mutual orientation of vectors \(\vec {B}\) and \({{\vec {P}}_{{\text{s}}}}\).

About the authors

O. M. Golitsyna

Voronezh State University

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 394026, Voronezh

S. N. Drozhdin

Voronezh State University

Russia, 394026, Voronezh


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Copyright (c) 2023 О.М. Голицына, С.Н. Дрождин

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