Investigation of the biexciton radiative cascade in a single InAs/GaAs quantum dot embedded in a high-Q microcavity



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A biexciton radiative cascade was recorded in the photoluminescence spectra of an InAs/GaAs QD embedded in a λ-cavity with a relatively high-quality factor of 4600, formed in a micropillar with GaAs/AlGaAs distributed Bragg reflectors. The spectrum and kinetics of the radiation, measured under conditions of two-photon excitation, demonstrated a significant effect of the microcavity on the emission process. A possible improvement based on this effect in the generation of entangled photon pairs is discussed.

Sobre autores

Yu. Serov

Autor responsável pela correspondência

A. Galimov

Autor responsável pela correspondência

A. Toropov

Autor responsável pela correspondência


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Declaração de direitos autorais © Ю.М. Серов, А.И. Галимов, А.А. Торопов, 2023

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