Divertor Thomson Scattering on Globus-M2




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We present the first Thomson scattering (TS) measurements of electron temperature and density
in the lower divertor of the Globus-M2 tokamak. The divertor TS diagnostics is designed for local measurements
of the Te(z, t) in the range of 1–100 eV and ne(z, t) in the range of m–3. Parameters of the
probing Nd:YAG laser are as follows 1064 nm/2 J/100 Hz/3 ns. The probing chord is launched vertically at
R = 24 cm and covers areas of the inner leg, vicinity of separatrix and private flux region. Along probing chord
of 110 mm, 9 spatial points were realized. Advanced filter polychromators were used to analyze Thomson
scattering spectra.


N. Ermakov

Ioffe Institute

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

N. Zhiltsov

Ioffe Institute

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

G. Kurskiev

Ioffe Institute

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

E. Mukhin

Ioffe Institute

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

S. Tolstyakov

Ioffe Institute

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

E. Tkachenko

Ioffe Institute

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

V. Solovey

Ioffe Institute

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

I. Bocharov

Ioffe Institute

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

K. Dolgova

Peter the Great SPbPU

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

A. Cavin

Efremov Institute

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

A. Koval

Ioffe Institute

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

K. Nikolaenko

Ioffe Institute

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

A. Novokhatski

Ioffe Institute

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

Yu. Petrov

Ioffe Institute

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

V. Rozhansky

Peter the Great SPbPU

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

N. Sakharov

Ioffe Institute

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia

I. Senichenkov

Peter the Great SPbPU

Email: ermafin@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia


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版权所有 © Н.В. Ермаков, Н.С. Жильцов, Г.С. Курскиев, Е.Е. Мухин, С.Ю. Толстяков, Е.Е. Ткаченко, В.А. Соловей, И.В. Бочаров, К.В. Долгова, А.А. Кавин, А.Н. Коваль, К.О. Николаенко, А.Н. Новохацкий, Ю.В. Петров, В.А. Рожанский, Н.В. Сахаров, И.Ю. Сениченков, 2023
