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Volume 49, Nº 4 (2023)


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Hot Ion Mode in the Globus-M2 Spherical Tokamak

Yashin A., Solovei V., Skrekel’ O., Ponomarenko A., Petrov A., Patrov M., Novokhatsky A., Mineev A., Melnik A., Solokha V., Tkachenko E., Shulyat’ev K., Shevelev A., Chernyshev F., Khromov N., Khil’kevich E., Tukhmeneva E., Tolstyakov S., Tokarev V., Lobanov K., Krikunov S., Konovalov A., Kiselev E., Bakharev N., Tel’nova A., Petrov Y., Miroshnikov I., Minaev V., Gusev V., Sakharov N., Zhil’tsov N., Shchegolev P., Kavin A., Il’yasova M., Zhilin E., D’yachenko V., Goryainov V., Voronin A., Varfolomeev V., Balachenkov I., Kurskiev G.


NBI-assisted plasma heating with one or two injectors of fast neutral atoms was studied at the Globus-M2 spherical tokamak at the toroidal magnetic fields of 0.8–0.9 T and plasma currents of 0.35–0.4 MA. Measurements of the spatial temperature and electron density distributions, performed using the Thomson scattering diagnostics, showed a twofold increase in heating of plasma electrons during the injection of neutral particles with energies of up to 45 keV at the beam power of 0.75 MW, as compared to the ohmic heating regime. Switching on the second additional beam with the particle energy of up to 30 keV and power of up to 0.5 MW resulted in obtaining the hot ion mode in the range of mean plasma densities of (1.6–10) × 1019 m−3. According to the data of active spectroscopy and neutral particle analyzer diagnostics, in the hot zone, the ion temperature reached 4 keV at the plasma density of 8 × 1019 m−3, which is more than 2.5 times higher than the electron temperature.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(4):305-321
pages 305-321 views

Classification of Edge Instabilities at Globus-M2 Tokamak

Solokha V., Petrov Y., Ponomarenko A., Sakharov N., Telnova A., Tkachenko E., Tokarev V., Tolstyakov S., Tyukhmeneva E., Khromov N., Novokhatskii A., Minaev V., Kiselev E., Kurskiev G., Yashin A., Balachenkov I., Varfolomeev V., Voronin A., Gusev V., Goryainov V., Dyachenko V., Zhiltsov N., Shchegolev P.


Among the peripheral instabilities observed at the Globus-M2 tokamak, two types of edge localized modes (ELMs) are brought into focus: ELMs synchronized and desynchronized with the sawtooth oscillations. The desynchronized ELMs appear in regimes that are characterized by high values of pressure in the pedestal, pped ≥ 3 kPa, and they are observed in discharges with the toroidal magnetic field BT > 0.6 T and plasma current IP > 0.3 MA. The desynchronized ELMs belong to the type-III/V with the dominating effect of the peeling mode. The synchronized ELMs were observed in a wider range of discharge parameters, including at BT < 0.6 T and IP < 0.3 MA. Calculations of the stability of the peeling-ballooning (PB) mode showed that at pedestal width ψnorm = 0.09 and pped > 3.5 kPa, destabilization of PB modes is possible without additional influence. Experimental data shows that the microtearing mode plays a dominant role in the pedestal. The microtearing mode does not allow the pedestal at Globus-M2 tokamak to reach the state of the unstable kinetic ballooning mode (KBM), which explains the low predictive power of the EPED model at this tokamak.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(4):322-331
pages 322-331 views


Computational Estimate of the DT-to-DD Neutron Yield Ratio for Plasma Focus Chambers

Gaganov V., Garanin S., Dolinskii V.


The paper presents a computational estimate of the DT-to-DD neutron yield ratio for a spherical plasma-focus chamber PF9. The computations were carried out by the MHD modelling using the beam–target mechanism for neutron production. The charging voltage of the capacitor bank was varied in the range from 15 to 25 kV, and the initial pressure of the working gas was varied in the range from 4 to 30 Torr. The computations showed that the ratio of the DT and DD neutron yields varies in a wide range from 2 to 120, while the ratio of the DT and DD reaction cross sections for the typical ion energies in the beam varies in the range from 95 to 122. An analysis of the computational results showed that the difference in the estimates of the neutron yield is due to the features in the ion energy distributions.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(4):332-341
pages 332-341 views


Analytical Description of Cyclotron Plasma Resonances in Monolayer Graphene

Ishkhanyan A., Krainov V.


The propagation of longitudinal harmonic plasma oscillations in monolayer graphene under an external magnetic field is analyzed analytically on the basis of the Boltzmann kinetic equation. Simple analytical formulas are presented for the positions of cyclotron resonances in the spectrum of magneto-plasma oscillations.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(4):342-347
pages 342-347 views


Electromagnetic Acceleration of Laser-Induced Plasma

D’yachkov A., Gorkunov A., Kovalevich S., Labozin A., Mironov S., Firsov V., Tsvetkov G., Panchenko V.


Acceleration of laser-induced plasma created as a result of three-step photoionization of atomic vapor by pulsed radiation of dye lasers pumped by copper-vapor lasers is studied experimentally. The acceleration was achieved due to the alternating magnetic field appearing upon propagation of a current pulse through an inductor located in direct proximity from the area of laser protoionization of atomic lutetium vapor.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(4):348-353
pages 348-353 views


Diagnostics of Hot Electron Component Escaping from Dense Nonequilibrium Plasma of Continuous ECR Discharge

Kiseleva E., Viktorov M., Skalyga V., Izotov I., Vybin S., Polyakov A., Bokhanov A.


The energy distribution of hot electrons escaping from the plasma of the ion source based on the discharge ignited under conditions of electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) was studied experimentally. The measurements were performed in wide ranges of microwave heating powers and neutral gas pressures. The facility under study is capable of providing uniquely high unit energy input into the plasma confined in the quasi-gas-dynamic (collisional) regime. In the course of the experiments, the diagnostics was performed of microwave radiation generated by the hot fraction of electrons escaping from the plasma. The regimes were discovered, in which the conditions are satisfied for the development of kinetic instabilities in the ECR discharge plasma. The energies are determined of electrons that cause the development of instabilities of this type, which are characterized by bursts of microwave radiation.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(4):354-358
pages 354-358 views


Heat Conduction of Linear Chain of Dust Particles

Ignatov A.


The effect is theoretically studied of nonreciprocity of interparticle forces on the energy exchange between the linear chain of dust particles and the ambient medium. It is shown that the energy exchange between the dust component and ion flow is important. When approaching the threshold for developing the instability of coupled waves, the considerable deviation occurs of the kinetic energy distribution from the law of equipartition of kinetic energy over degrees of freedom. In the case of inhomogeneous heating of the chain, the heat conduction coefficient does not depend on the number of particles and is determined by the parameters of the ambient plasma

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(4):359-368
pages 359-368 views


Electron Energy Distribution Function in a Discharge Afterglow in a He–Xe Mixture

Grigorian G., Demyanov A., Dyatko N., Kochetov I.


Experimental and computational-theoretical studies of the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) at the afterglow stage of a glow discharge in a mixture of helium (content of 98.5% He) and xenon (content of 1.5% Xe) for pressures of 1, 2, and 3 Torr and a discharge current of 10 mA are carried out. The discharge is ignited in a tube with a radius of 1.25 cm. According to the measurements, the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) has a form close to the Maxwellian function in the low-energy region. A characteristic feature of the measured distribution functions is also a plateau in the energy range of 1–4 eV. The formation of this plateau is associated with fast electrons (4.5 eV) formed during chemionization with the participation of metastable xenon atoms. The calculations are performed within the nonstationary Boltzmann equation in the local approximation for the EEDF, taking into account the source of fast electrons. Experimental and calculated results are compared.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(4):369-380
pages 369-380 views

Calculating Electron Swarm Parameters in Neon in Strong Electric Fields

Bochkov E.


Dependences of the kinetic and transport coefficients of electrons in neon are calculated by the Monte Carlo method in the range of reduced field strengths E/N from 15 to 1500 Td. The calculated dependences are compared with the results obtained by solving the kinetic equation in the Lorentz approximation. It is shown that this approximation is violated in strong electric fields, which leads to noticeable differences in the values of the transport coefficients calculated using both methods. To verify the calculations, a comparison was made with the measurement data available in the literature. It is also shown that the diffusion-drift approximation poorly describes the spatiotemporal evolution of the electron number density in neon in fields greater than ≈500 Td.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(4):381-390
pages 381-390 views


Refined Results of Measurements of the Lifetime of Unstable Ions D2- and HD–

Terent’ev A.


The results of measuring the lifetime of negative molecular ions @ and HD─ were refined by repeated processing: the lifetime of the @ ion is 3.9 ± 0.1 µs and that of the HD─ ion is 4.6 ± 0.1 µs. The values of the beam energy at which the measurements were carried out were refined. It is shown that the measurement results are divided into two groups in which the lifetimes of the @ and HD─ ions are equal with good accuracy.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(4):391-394
pages 391-394 views

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