Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 49, № 5 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


Phenomenology of High-Current Discharge in N2 and He at Medium Pressures between Two Electrodes of Rail Geometry

Akishev Y., Alekseeva T., Karalnik V., Petryakov A.


Plasma accelerators that form high-speed plasma jets due to the force action of their own magnetic field operate at high currents. Because of that, current spots with a high current density may occur on their electrodes, which lead to erosion of the electrodes and limit their life-time. In this work, the current modes of a plasma accelerator were investigated both without current spots and with current spots on the electrodes. In the latter case, the dynamics of current spots in the course of plasma acceleration was explored. This issue was studied by the example of a high-current (I ≤ 25 kA) pulse discharge created between two long (l = 30 cm) and parallel stainless-steel electrodes of cylindrical shape of 10 mm in a diameter. Two distances between the cylinders’ axes, h = 30 and 22 mm, were used. Two discharge zone configurations were investigated. In one of them, the discharge zone is not confined by side dielectric walls. In other one, the discharge zone is confined with transparent dielectric walls spaced by 12 mm. The high-current discharge was studied in nitrogen and helium at moderate pressures from P = 4 to 50 Torr. The high current was provided due to the discharging of a capacitor battery C = 1000 µF charged up to the voltage U ≤ 5 kV. At the very beginning, the discharge was initiated locally at one end of the electrodes, and then the formed plasma quickly moves toward the opposite end under strong force influence of its own magnetic field. Eventually, plasma clot is flying out of the discharge zone.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(5):397-406
pages 397-406 views

Some Techniques for Diagnostics of the Cold Plasma Jet Generated on the Base of the Atmospheric-Pressure Microwave Discharge

Antipov S., Chepelev V., Gadzhiev M., Abramov A., Ugryumov A.


The atmospheric-pressure cold plasma jet that is a flowing afterglow of the interelectrode microwave discharge in Ar was investigated using various diagnostic techniques. Waveguide-type 2.45-GHz-plasmatron with the external 6-rod-electrode plasma torch was used as the cold plasma source. High-speed shadowgraphy was used to obtain spatio-temporal structure of the cold plasma jet. The periodic character of plasma generation was studied using electric probe floating potential measurements with an oscilloscope.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(5):407-411
pages 407-411 views

Iron Corrosion in the Radiative Plasma of Moist Air

Babichev V., Galeeva K., Kirichenko A., Nekrasov A., Ugodchikova A., Trushkin N., Filippov A., Cherepanova Y., Cherkovets V.


The rate of iron corrosion in a low-temperature plasma of moist air formed under the action of a fast electron beam, depending on the relative air humidity, was measured. It is shown that a beam of fast electrons (radioactive β-radiation) significantly intensifies the corrosion of iron in a plasma-forming gas medium in which oxygen and water vapour are simultaneously present. It has been established that the rate of corrosion under conditions of radioactive irradiation increases sharply when the relative air humidity exceeds 10%. Numerical simulation of the ionic composition of the plasma is carried out taking into account 12 types of positive and 12 types of negative hydrated ions at different intensities of the external ionization source and at different values of relative humidity from 10–6 to 100%. A hypothesis has been put forward about the determining role of cluster hydrated ions, which are formed in the plasma of moist air at atmospheric pressure, in heterogeneous processes of iron oxidation.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(5):412-424
pages 412-424 views

Re-Breakdown Process at Longitudinal–Transverse Discharge in a Supersonic Airflow

Bityurin V., Bocharov A., Dobrovolskaya A., Popov N., Firsov A.


A physical and numerical model of a longitudinal–transverse discharge in a supersonic air flow is presented. The considered model takes into account not only the traditional mechanisms of interaction between the discharge and the flow (convection, diffusion, heat release, thermochemical nonequilibrium), but also the processes of dissociation and ionization in strong reduced electric fields. It is shown that, within the framework of a two-dimensional model of a direct current discharge, the current loop is carried away by the flow until the ionization rate due to a strong reduced electric field in the immediate vicinity of the electrodes provide a sufficient ionization to form an alternative current channel. In this case, a new current loop begins to form, and the old one dies off. The considered process of current reconnection has a periodic character. The current loop lifetime is proportional to the current amplitude.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(5):425-437
pages 425-437 views

Atomic Oxygen Generation by Longitudinal–Transverse Discharge

Bityurin V., Dobrovolskaya A., Bocharov A., Firsov A.


Results of numerical simulation using Plasmaero CFD code are presented for direct current (DC) discharge in a high-speed airflow. Modelling of plasma was performed using single-fluid MHD approach and detailed plasma-chemistry. As a result of simulation, the dynamics of DC discharge was obtained which corresponds to dynamics of this object registered during previous experimental study including such effect as the discharge re-breakdown. Concentration of atomic oxygen in different parts of discharge and near them was obtained and analysed. The influence estimation of obtained atomic oxygen concentration on the fuel mixture induction time was performed using zero-dimensional calculation. It was shown that atomic oxygen generation by DC discharge dramatically reduce the ignition delay that could be important for combustion stimulation in a high-speed flow.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(5):438-446
pages 438-446 views

Characteristics of Cold Atmospheric Plasma Jet when Excited by Sinusoidal and Positive Pulse Voltages for Medical Applications

Schweigert I., Zakrevskyc D., Milakhina E., Gugin P., Birykov M., Patrakova E., Troitskaya O., Koval O.


Low-temperature plasma jets at atmospheric pressure generated by sinusoidal and positive pulsed voltages interact differently with the treated surface. In the experiment and in numerical simulations, we compare the operating modes of helium plasma jets for these types of operating voltages. The discharge current on the treated surface over time and the surface heating are studied for different discharge parameters acceptable for anticancer therapy. The intensity of the emission spectrum is analyzed to improve the effectiveness of the plasma jet. Surface heating is controlled in order to meet the safety conditions of plasma exposure to biological objects. For the case of pulsed voltage the effect of voltage pulse duration on the intensity of plasma-surface interaction is discussed. The results on cancer cells A549 and MCF-7 demonstrate the high efficiency of the cold plasma jet generated at found optimal modes.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(5):447-453
pages 447-453 views

Study of the Receptivity of Laminar Buffet to Disturbances Generated by Electric Discharge

Polivanov P., Sidorenko A.


An effect of dielectric barrier discharge on laminar transonic buffet at low Reynolds numbers of (0.5–0.7) × 106 was studied experimentally. Experiments were performed using high-speed schlieren imaging and PIV method. An actuator based on a dielectric barrier discharge was placed near the leading edge of the airfoil. The effect of the discharge frequency on transonic buffet was investigated. Transonic laminar buffet was found to be highly sensitive to perturbations created by low-power electrical discharge.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(5):454-461
pages 454-461 views

Digital Method of Time Correlated Single Photon Counting for Barrier Discharge Diagnosis

Selivonin I., Kuvardin S., Moralev I.


In this work the Time Correlated Single Photon Counting method with digital post-processing was implemented to study the development of a surface barrier discharge powered by a sinusoidal alternating voltage. The resolution obtained with digital TCSPC was shown to be no worse than 300 ps with photodetectors function rise time 15 ns and oscilloscope sample rate 10 GHz. Selection of the pulses after at the postprocessing stage allowed to study the multipulse mode of the DBD, obtain the space–time diagrams of the discharge light emission and estimate the velocity of negative and positive microdischarges propagation.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(5):462-470
pages 462-470 views

Transformation of Condensed Matter into a Low-Temperature Plasma Flow for Problems of Plasma Mass Separation with a Potential Well

Antonov N., Liziakin G., Vetrova S., Melnikov A.


The concept of plasma mass separation of substances in a configuration with a potential well implies the creation of specialized plasma sources that comply with a number of requirements. The following can be distinguished as the main ones: a high degree of ionization of the plasma flow, single ionization, the possibility of working with a complex mixture of oxides and metals as a working substance, high productivity rate (up to 1 kg/h), kinetic energy at the level of several tens of electron-volts. One possible application of this concept is the separation of spent nuclear fuel. The conversion of condensed matter into a low-temperature plasma flow and its further injection into the separation chamber is the initial stage of the concept and it largely determines the efficiency of the technological process. This paper presents the results of studies of the energy distribution of lead ions in the plasma jet of a plasma source created on the basis of a non-self-sustained arc discharge with a hot cathode in a magnetic field. The influence of this distribution on the separation process was analyzed.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(5):471-475
pages 471-475 views

Research of the Binding of an Argon Arc to the Cathode in a DC Plasma Torch

Gadzhiev M., Sargsyan M., Tyuftyaev A., Karchugaeva Z., Tereshonok D.


Experiments were carried out to study the stable attachment of an atmospheric pressured argon dc arc to the surface of pure, thoriated and lanthanated tungsten. Using spectroscopic methods electron temperatures and concentrations were obtained in the positive plasma column near the cathode. With a current of 200 A and a plasma gas flow rate of 1.5 g/s, the average values of temperatures were Te ~ 2.6 eV for pure tungsten, Te ~ 2 eV for thoriated and lanthanated tungesten, and concentrations ne ~ 1017 cm–3. In these experiments, the cathode with an insert of lanthanated tungsten (3100 K) had the lowest working surface temperature due to the lower effective work function, while for thoriated and pure tungsten surface temperatures were 3300 and 3800 K, respectively. It was found that at a current of 200 A, the tip of the pure tungsten cathode was in the liquid phase, in contrast to thoriated and lanthanated tungsten that remained in solid phase.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(5):476-479
pages 476-479 views

Investigation of Gas-Droplet Flow in Presence of Electrical Discharge

Saveliev A.


The mutual influence of electric discharge and air-droplet flow formed by a centrifugal nozzle when a conductive liquid (solution of sodium chloride in water) is supplied to it under pressure was investigated. Using the method of digital double microphotography with further computer processing of photographs, the main characteristics of the spray in the presence of an electric discharge and without it were obtained: the mean diameter, the Sauter mean diameter, the distribution of the velocity vector components by the droplet diameter and others. It is shown that the presence of liquid spray leads to a decrease in the effective value of the breakdown electric field strength. Also it was found that the energy release into the air-droplet flow leads to a change in the value of the Sauter mean diameter, and the presence of a high voltage in the measurement region leads to the acceleration of drops of a relatively small diameter.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(5):480-487
pages 480-487 views

Influence of Current and Interelectrode Gap on Characteristics of Longitudinal–Transverse Discharge in a Supersonic Airflow

Perevoshchikov E., Firsov A.


This work is devoted to the problem of stable operation of a longitudinal–transverse discharge in a supersonic flow and its parameters. A longitudinal–transverse discharge in an air flow with parameters M = 2, V ~ 500 m/s, Tg = 170 K, Pst = 22 kPa is considered. High-speed imaging and data acquisition were used to obtain data on the variation of the discharge length, current, and voltage over time. The main purpose of the work was to investigate the dynamics of DC discharge and to describe relations between its geometrical and electrical parameters. Experiments were aimed at obtaining detailed data on the influence of interelectrode distance and discharge current on discharge length and, consequently, on voltage and power release, as well as to determine typical breakdown frequencies depending of discharge parameters. The electrode fall voltage was determined.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(5):488-494
pages 488-494 views

Parameters of a Longitudinal DC Discharge in a Supersonic Air Flow

Troshkin R., Firsov A.


This work is devoted to the study of the properties of a discharge in a supersonic air flow and the problem of determining the temperature of a contracted (thin cylindrical) plasma channel with a radial temperature distribution. The paper considers a direct discharge 30 mm long far from the channel walls in the core of a supersonic flow with the following parameters: Mach number M = 2, flow rate V ~ 500 m/s, stagnation temperature T0 = 300 K, and static gas pressure Pst = 22 kPa. The axisymmetric geometry of the ex-periments with two coaxial electrodes located parallel to the flow was chosen to avoid the appearance of a part of the current channel perpendicular to the flow and the corresponding discharge pulsations. The current–voltage characteristic was obtained, and the dependences of the temperature of the electric discharge plasma on the electrical parameters of the discharge were obtained using emission spectroscopy. Also, with the help of shadow visualization and high-speed shooting, an estimate was obtained of the thickness of the thermal cone and the discharge channel and their dependence on the discharge current.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(5):495-503
pages 495-503 views

Plasma Potential Fluctuations in a Reflex Discharge with Thermionic Cathode

Valinurov M., Gavrikov A., Liziakin G., Oiler A., Timirkhanov R.


One of the promising applications of low-temperature plasma in crossed electric and magnetic fields is plasma mass separation. To its implementation it is necessary to create a magnetized plasma with a given spatial distribution of the plasma potential. Plasma potential distribution determines the particle trajectories during separation. One of the difficulties that lie in the way of creating an efficient separator is the oscillations of the plasma potential resulting from the development of various types of instabilities. In the present work, fluctuations of the plasma potential in a reflex discharge with a thermionic cathode are studied. An analysis of the frequencies of plasma potential oscillations for magnetic fields in the range of 1–1.4 kG is presented. Measurements of the radial profiles of the root-mean-square deviation of the plasma potential are provided.

Fizika plazmy. 2023;49(5):504-510
pages 504-510 views

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