Distribution of Trophic Resources in a Rodent Community in the High-Mountain Zone of the Republic of Dagestan

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Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of nutrition of some cohabiting rodent species in the High-Mountain Zone of the Republic of Dagestan have been studied. The diet of S. uralensis consisted of 23, C. gud, of 22, M. arvalis, of 27, C. migtatorius, of 26, and D. nitedula, of 19 plant species. The most diverse diet was found in the common vole and gray hamster. In spring, sedges dominated in the diets of rodents, in the summer, rations consisted mainly of cereals, and autumn, predominantly from the species of the forbs and legume groups. In all, except for the forest dormouse, the conjugation of diets with the structure of herbaceous vegetation was revealed. The maximum values of the degree of similarity of the diets of rodents were found in pairs of wood mouse – Gudaur vole, Gudaur vole – gray hamster, and common vole – gray hamster. As a result, a sufficient level of food supply, a wide range of microstations, and intrapopulation adaptation mechanisms make it possible for the considered rodent species to live together in the study area.

About the authors

M. Sh. Magomedov

Caspian Institute of Biological Resources, Dagestan Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences; ANO VO Bashlarov Scientific and Clinical Center

Email: mmsh78@mail.ru
Makhachkala, Russia; Makhachkala, Russia

M. M. Magomedova

ANO VO Bashlarov Scientific and Clinical Center

Author for correspondence.
Email: mmsh78@mail.ru
Makhachkala, Russia


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