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Том 44, № 4 (2018)


Autonomic Regulation of Heart Rate and Distinctive Features of Oculomotor Activity in Eight- to Nine-Year-Old Boys and Girls during the Reading of Texts of Different Complexities

Bezrukikh M., Komkova Y., Ivanov V.


Distinctive features of autonomic regulation of the heart rate and spatiotemporal parameters of eye movements during the reading of texts of different complexities levels from a computer screen have been analyzed in girls and boys eight to nine years of age. Sex-related differences in heart rate variability (HRV) pattern were already observed in the resting state, since parasympathetic effects were stronger in boys than in girls. Parasympathetic activity decreased in boys who were reading texts of different complexities. The most pronounced decrease was observed during the reading of the first (simple) text. The changes in girls were mostly due to an increase in sympathetic activity and were less pronounced than in boys. Oculomotor activity analysis revealed differences in reading process strategy: reading was more fragmented (discrete) in the girls and more integrated in the boys. However, reading skills were not fully developed in children of eight to nine years of age, since “syllabized” reading was observed in girls and boys alike.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):361-370
pages 361-370 views

Discrimination of Image Orientation in the Presence of Distractors

Bondarko V., Danilova M., Solnushkin S., Chikhman V.


We studied the influence of additional images (distractors) on the recognition of test objects, which included low-contrast Landolt circles with sizes of 1.1, 1.5, and 2.2 angular degrees and were presented eccentrically at 13.2 degrees from fixation. The distractors were either Landolt Cs or full circles with the same spatial characteristics. The distance between the test objects and the distractors varied from 2.2 to 24.2 angular degrees. The subjects were required to report the orientation of the tests (simple task) or to report the orientation of the tests and the shape of the distractor (dual task). The first group of subjects performed both simple and dual tasks, while the second group only performed the simple task. A significant deterioration of performance was recorded at all tested separations in both tasks; it was more pronounced in the dual task. The percent of correct responses was lower when Landolt circles were distractors as compared with full circles. The subjects tended to report the orientation of the distractors instead of tests in the cases of small and large separations. The recognition of distractors was also performed at a lower level in the cases of small and large distances. The data show that attention contributes to the task performance in two ways: the features of tests and distractors are integrated, or the tests are substituted by distractors.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):371-379
pages 371-379 views

Psychophysiological and Some Functional Markers of Mental Workload in Young Men

Ignatova Y., Makarova I., Aksenova A.


The emotional state of a person affects both the central level and the peripheral indices of the autonomic nervous system, particularly those of the regulation of the heart rate. Our study showed that boys with a higher level of anxiety had higher values of the latent period of the P300 evoked potential and lower indices of short-term auditory memory. Changes in the temporal and spectral components of heart rate variability under the conditions of mental workload indicate that the neurohumoral regulation of the heart rate is shifted toward the suprasegmental influences, including pituitary–hypothalamic and cortical influences.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):380-385
pages 380-385 views

Bioelectric Brain Activity in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Population Heterogeneity

Lushchekina E., Lushchekin V., Strelets V.


During the discriminant analysis of the bioelectric brain activity, we found that there is a separate subgroup of children with autistic spectrum disorders that is close to the group of schizophrenia spectrum disorders but does not coincide with it. Differences between the experimental groups indicate the significance of impairments in the left frontal-temporal region, i.e., in the area responsible for speech development. When comparing the group of children with autistic spectrum disorders with other groups, we observed the significance of high-frequency rhythms.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):386-393
pages 386-393 views

A Model of Relationships between Different Systems of Characters and the Adaptation Potential of the Body in Early Adulthood

Negasheva M.


Relationships of the adaptation potential with sets of somatic, functional, and dermatoglyphic parameters; personality traits; and polymorphisms of certain genes (FTO, DAT1, and VDR) were studied using data from anthropological examination and psychological testing of 655 healthy students aged 17–25 years from various higher education schools. The study employed two methods that allow premorbid diagnosis of the functional (physical) condition and adaptation and are recommended for large-scale preventive examinations in adults. The methods address the functional status according to Pirogova et al. and the adaptation potential according to Bayevsky et al. An original model of relationships between different sets of traits (somatic, functional, dermatoglyphic, and personality traits) and the adaptive potential in early adulthood was proposed on the basis of significant canonical correlations and Pearson’s contingency coefficients with due regards to the effects that the gene polymorphisms exert on the formation of trait sets.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):394-401
pages 394-401 views

Neuronal Activity of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease

Belova E., Nezvinskiy A., Usova S., Semenova U., Medvednik R., Popov V., Gamaleya A., Tomskiy A., Sedov A.


The discharge activity of 637 neurons of the human subthalamic nucleus (STN), which were extracellularly recorded during twelve stereotactic surgeries in patients with Parkinson’s disease, has been analyzed. On the basis of the parameters of interspike intervals (ISIs), we have distinguished three major patterns of spontaneous neuronal activity: bursting neurons, regular tonic and irregular tonic neurons. Parametric analysis has enabled us to determine the values of basic parameters in the activity of these three distinguished types of neurons. It has been shown that the representativeness and the activity parameters of three different patterns change in the dorsoventral direction of the STN from the motor to the associative regions. The results will allow researchers to perform targeted search of pathological neuronal activity patterns associated with the motor symptoms of Parkinsonism.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):402-411
pages 402-411 views

Features of a Simple Psychophysiological Reaction

Kulakov A.


The latency of a simple psychophysiological (visual motor) response (SPPR) was studied as dependent on the waiting time, which was the period between the previous response to a subsequent stimulus and was varied from 1 to 3000 ms. An ordinal approximation was used for the resulting monotonic dependence. The latency of the simple psychophysiological response at shorter intervals between the previous response and a subsequent stimulus was observed to be far greater than at longer intervals. The latency decreased with the increasing waiting time until 3–4 s after the previous response. The decrease included at least two components. The components were found to be interdependent. The decrease in latency was assumed to result from autoinhibition due to the previous response.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):412-417
pages 412-417 views

Blood Serum Potassium and Sodium Concentration Constants: Search for Regulatory Factors

Natochin Y., Golosova D., Kayukov I.


The age-related dynamics of serum potassium concentration was studied. Extreme conditions (spaceflight, prolonged hypokinesia, or immersion) provide similar tendencies of the decrease of blood serum potassium concentration. In chronic kidney disease, before the end stage renal disease is developed, two trends of disturbance in the potassium homeostasis: hyperkalemia or hypokalemia was revealed. The serum sodium concentration is stable under the above mentioned physiological conditions. Acute hypernatremia leads to an increase in the potassium concentration followed by a tendency of stable Na+/K+ ratio. The establishment of an internal standard of the physicochemical parameters of internal fluids was discussed.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):418-423
pages 418-423 views

Relationship between Left Ventricle and Body Composition in Young Male and Female Athletes

Mascherini G., Petri C., Galanti G.


Competitive sports induce gradual cardiac adaptations in young athletes. During growth, changes occur in their body composition. The purpose of this study is to provide the left ventricular parameters indexed for body composition during young athletes’ growth 220 young athletes (110 females and 110 males) aged from 8 to 19 years old were enrolled. An accurate body composition analysis and echocardiography were performed. The left ventricular parameters were then indexed to the body surface area formula with the data related to body composition (fat-free mass and body cellular mass). The left ventricular and body composition parameters increased continuously during growth and no differences between the sexes were found before puberty. Higher fat mass was found in females from 12 years old (Fat Mass Index: Female = 4.8 ± 1.8 kg/m2, Male = 3.6 ± 0.9 kg/m2; p< 0.05). Cardiac differences started at 13 years old, with a greater left ventricular mass in males (Female = 110.9 ± 20.2 g, Male = 128.7 ± 23.7 g; p< 0.05). The indexing of the left ventricle to the body composition parameters increased the age of onset of these cardiological differences to 14 years old with fat-free mass (Female = 91.8 ± 18.7 g/m2, Male = 105.0 ± 19.5 g/m2; p< 0.05), or to 15 years old with body cell mass (Female = 124.3 ± 17.9 g/m2, Male = 145.8 ± 28.5 g/m2; p< 0.05). Differences between the sexes appear to start after puberty. The above indexing was used in order to normalize the differences between the sexes according to body composition. This study reports the reference values for age and gender of the left ventricular parameters indexed for metabolically active mass.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):424-435
pages 424-435 views

Parameters of Surface Electromyograms in Full-Term and Preterm Infants in the Neonatal Period: The Possible Contribution of Gravity

Zaripova Y., Meigal A.


The purpose of this study was to compare the postnatal evolution of spectral–amplitude and nonlinear parameters of surface electromyogram (sEMG) in the full-term and preterm infants with regard to their biological and calendar age. In full-term infants, all sEMG parameters (dimension, entropy, mean frequency, and amplitude) are increased by 10–30% two weeks after birth. On the contrary, sEMG parameters in preterm infants were constant for six weeks after birth. This finding indicates that both postnatal and antenatal periods are important for the development of the motor system of infants. Therefore, the adaptation of the motor system to extrauterine conditions consists of two stages. The authors suppose that gravity can be a driving factor of these sEMG metamorphoses.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):436-444
pages 436-444 views

Method for Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Proprioceptive Perception of Single-joint Arm Movements

Pavlova O., Roschin V., Sidorova M., Selionov V., Kulikov M., Staritsyn A.


The phenomenon of reproduction of the series of passive single-joint movements in the tested arm by the contralateral arm just in the course of passive movements with no visual control was studied in 35 healthy subjects and 13 post-stroke patients in order to develop a new method for objective assessment of sense of the arm motion for the detection of proprioceptive deficit and for monitoring of the changes in proprioception during rehabilitation. We examined the reproduction of flexion–extension at the elbow and wrist joints, abduction–adduction at the wrist joint and the forearm pronation–supination in both right and left arms in healthy subjects and in the affected arm in post-stroke patients. Displacements of the angles in the tested joint and a homonymous joint of the other arm were acquired by means of video recording system, goniometers, or 9-DoF inertional-magnetometric sensors. Qualitative and quantitative indicators were evaluated to assess the similarity of the passive and active movements. It has been found that the healthy subjects are able to actively reproduce the repeated passive movements at different joints of either the left or right tested arm almost simultaneously and with quite accurate reproduction of an amplitude and shape of movement. At the same time, most of post-stroke patients reproduce movements either with qualitative errors demonstrating incorrect location or wrong estimation of direction or number of repeated test movements, or with significant reduction of accuracy (increased latency or shape distortion). We proposed a method for the assessment of movement proprioception at individual joints. The procedure is easy and convenient for both physicians and patients. It does not require special heavy equipment and can easily be performed under different conditions in a wide range of patients.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):445-455
pages 445-455 views

Influence of Vibration on Motor Responses in the Upper Arm Muscles under Stationary Conditions and during Voluntary and Evoked Arm Movements under Limb Unloading Conditions

Solopova I., Selionov V., Gareeva R., Zhvansky D.


Locomotion of mammals, including humans, is based on the rhythmic activity of spinal cord circuitries. The functioning of these circuitries depends on multimodal afferent information and on supraspinal influences from the motor cortex. Using the method of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of arm muscle areas in the motor cortex, we studied the motor evoked potentials (MEP) in the upper arm muscles in stationary conditions and during voluntary and vibration-evoked arm movements. The study included 13 healthy subjects under arm and leg unloading conditions. In the first series of experiments, with motionless limbs, the effect of vibration of left upper arm muscles on motor responses in these muscles was evaluated. In the second series of experiments, MEP were compared in the same muscles during voluntary and rhythmic movements generated by left arm m. triceps brachii vibration (the right arm was stationary). Motionless left arm vibration led to an increase in MEP values in both vibrated muscle and in most of the non-vibrated muscles. For most target muscles, MEP was greater with voluntary arm movements than with vibration-evoked movements. At the same time, a similar MEP modulation in the cycle of arm movements was observed in the same upper arm muscles during both types of arm movements. TMS of the motor cortex significantly potentiated arm movements generated by vibration, but its effect on voluntary movements was weaker. These results indicate significant differences in the degree of motor cortex involvement in voluntary and evoked arm movements. We suppose that evoked arm movements are largely due to spinal rather than central mechanisms of generation of rhythmic movements.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):456-465
pages 456-465 views

Parameters of Microcirculation in Both Sexes at Different Ages

Baboshina N.


We have used laser Doppler flowmetry with wavelet analysis of the amplitude–frequency spectrum of blood flow oscillations to investigate the microcirculation and the mechanisms of its control in both sexes at different ages: junior school age, adolescence, and preadult age. It was shown that adolescents (both boys and girls) had more intense tissue perfusion and root-mean-square deviation of microcirculation as compared with junior school age. We observed an increase in the basal indexes of microcirculation in adolescents, which is caused by the activation of regulatory processes. In preadult girls, the microcirculatory flow index (MFI) was lower compared to adolescent girls; in preadult boys, MFI is higher compared to adolescent boys. It probably results from redistribution of influence between regulatory mechanisms. The analysis of the amplitude–frequency spectrum of preadults shows a decrease in oscillation amplitudes in all active and passive oscillation ranges compared to adolescents. Thus, we have detected the differences in microcirculation parameters and in the effects of active and passive regulatory factors of microcirculation. The findings are indicative of certain age-related changes in the microcirculation system.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):466-473
pages 466-473 views

Contribution of Adipokine Gene Expression in Mesenteric Adipose Tissue to the Pathogenesis of Insulin Resistance in Obese Patients

Vulf (Vasilenko) M., Skuratovskaia D., Kirienkova E., Zatolokin P., Mironyuk N., Litvinova L.


Mesenteric adipose tissue, being a component of visceral adipose tissue, has a high lipolytic activity. Excessive accumulation of visceral adipose tissue increases the risk of metabolic disorders leading to severe consequences. Therefore, the aim of the presented study was to estimate the production of adipokine and proinflammatory molecules by the adipose tissue of small intestine mesentery evaluating its contribution to the formation of insulin resistance in obesity. The role of the activity of LEP, SERPINA12, RARRES2, and TNFα genes encoding leptin, vaspin, chemerin, and TNFα in adipose tissue of small intestinal mesentery in patients with abdominal obesity with a different state of carbohydrate metabolism was studied. The changes in serum/plasma content of the examined mediators that we detected are closely associated with their production in the adipose tissue of small intestinal mesentery. The revealed interrelations between the production of mediators (adipokines, proinflammatory molecules) studied with the parameters of carbohydrate metabolism indicate an important role of mesenteric adipose tissue in the formation of insulin resistance in obesity.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):474-480
pages 474-480 views


Estimation of Frequency Resolving Power of Human Hearing by Different Methods: Roles of Sensory and Cognitive Factors

Milekhina O., Nechaev D., Supin A.


Frequency resolving power (FRP) was measured in normal listeners. FRP was estimated on the basis of the maximum resolvable ripple density in rippled-spectrum signals. Two measurement procedures were compared: detection of ripple-pattern change and comparison of rippled-spectrum signals. In the change detection method, two successive sound signals were presented to the listener: a test signal and a reference signal. The test signal contained ripple phase reversals every 400 ms; in the reference signal, the ripple phase was constant. The listener’s task was to identify the test signal. In the comparison method, three signals were presented to the listener. The ripple phase in one of the three signals was opposite to that in other two signals. The listener’s task was to identify the signal different from the other two signals. The signal frequency bands varied from 0.5 to 5 oct at a level of 0.5 of the maximum. At all frequency bands, the change-detection method yielded, on average, 1.75 oct–1 higher FRP estimates compared to the comparison method. This difference between the two methods is supposed to be due to the greater involvement of cognitive processes (short-term memory) in the comparison method. The change-detection method is more preferable for measuring the sensory component of FRP.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):481-487
pages 481-487 views

Organization of the Brain Systems of Aim-Directed Behavior: New Data

Medvedev S., Kireev M., Korotkov A.


Currently, the dominating approach to studying functional brain organization is based on the so-called activation studies, in the frameworks of which the functional specializations of different brain structures in the context of studied nature of activity are specified according to their energy states. The concept of organization of brain systems is formed largely thanks to such activation research. However, our studies devoted to the analysis of functional relations between different nodes of the brain systems show that they are much more complicated than they are presented in the activation studies. The structure of brain systems is not limited to those elements that are involved in its work by changing their local neuronal activity. This fact dramatically changes our views on how the brain systems are organized.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):488-492
pages 488-492 views


Erratum to: “Features of Human Metabolic Reactions under Extreme Cold Exposure”

Juravlyova O., Markin A., Kuzichkin D., Saltuikova M., Loginov V., Zabolotskaya I., Vostrikova L.


Reference no. 5 should read as follows:

Lutsenko, D.G., Shylo, A.V., Marchenko, L.N.,Perskiy, Ye.E., and Babiychuk, G.A., Peculiarities of heart rhythm regulation at different types of cold acclimation in rats, Probl. Cryobiol. Cryomed., 2013, vol. 23, no. 2, p. 105.

Human Physiology. 2018;44(4):493-493
pages 493-493 views

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