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编号 6 (2024)



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Politics, economics

Missile Defense of the U.S. and Their Allies in Northeast Asia and Regional Security

Krivolapov O.


The situation around the Korean Peninsula combines such factors as nuclear weapons, missile defense systems, and huge groups of conventional armed forces concentrated in Northeast Asia. The U.S. administration argues that missile defense’s mission is to counter the threat from North Korean missiles to American and allied troops in South Korea and Japan. Hence, this line of confrontation between the U.S. and DPRK is at the focus of the article. A significant number of experts believe that regional missile defense (theater missile defense, TMD) will only stabilize the situation. The purpose of this article is to determine a possible impact of strengthened TMD architecture of the U.S., South Korean and Japanese forces for the security situation in the region under consideration. The author analyzes scenarios, which are most often discussed by experts, scientists, military, and politicians. The role of the doctrinal guidelines of the DPRK, South Korea and the United States in aggravating the situation in the event of strengthening of the American and allied regional missile defense system in Northeast Asia in the context of a political-military crisis is shown.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(6):5-14
pages 5-14 views

The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict of 2023: The Response of Global and Regional Actors

Khayrullin T.


The article analyzes the reaction of the countries of the Arab region as well as the world powers to the next Palestinian-Israeli conflict that broke out on October 7, 2023. Regionally, most countries have taken a unified position – attributing responsibility for the attacks on Israel. Only a small number of countries in the region condemned all violence and called on the parties to the conflict to engage in peace talks. Harsh rhetoric was observed from one of the non-Arab actors in the region, Turkey, which openly declared its support for Hamas and condemned Israel’s actions. The escalating tone was also reflected in Iran’s official statements. The United States and its allies sided with Israel, declaring the right of Israelis to defend themselves. The position of Russia and China was to end the conflict as soon as possible, as well as the need to implement the two-state solution and the creation of an independent Palestinian state.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(6):15-24
pages 15-24 views

Thailand’s Political Choice

Rogozhina N.


The article analyzes the specifics of the current stage of Thailand’s political development, taking into account the configuration of political forces after the parliamentary elections held in May 2023. Despite the victory of the Move Forward party there was no movement forward in the democratic transit of power in the country. The traditional political establishment, adhering to the ideology of “Thai-style democracy”, based on the concept of hierarchical subordination of society headed by the king, used the institutions remaining at its disposal to protect its interests and prevent the strengthening of the influence of pro-democratic forces on politics. The article examines the factors of the growing popularity of the party Move Forward, whose political platform meets the social demand of young voters who advocate political reforms in the country, including the reform of the institution of the monarchy. The impossibility of holding them today is explained by the opposition of governing political forces including the previously considered lobbyist for representative democracy, the Phea Thai Party. However, the political positions of both the new Prime Minister, Sretta Tavisin, a representative of the Phea Thai Party, and the party itself depend on the policy being pursued to increase public confidence, which explains the populism of their economic program, which, according to the author, does not change the content of the competitive autocracy regime.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(6):25-33
pages 25-33 views

The Shi’a Paramilitary Units “Al Hashd al Shaabi” in Iraqi and Regional Policy

Kuznetsov A.


The non-state actors such as the Hizbullah movement in Lebanon, Ansarullah in Yemen or the Iraqi Shi’a groups play important role in current political processes in the Middle East. This article considers activity of the Popular Mobilization Units of Iraq (“al Hashd al Shaabi”). The author touches upon genesis and reasons of their appearance: politicization of the Shi’a community of Iraq in the beginning of XXI century, Sunni-Shi’a conflict, the struggle against terrorism in 2014–2017. This article touches upon military capabilities of the PMU, their leadership and economic opportunities. The conclusion is made about strong connection of this organization with Iran. The author also analyses political activity of the PMU and their success. The author also makes outlook of the activity of this group in regional scope concluding that it strongly helps in achieving Iranian external political interests: especially struggle against American military presence in the Middle East.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(6):34-41
pages 34-41 views

The Impact of Gender Inequality on the Energy Sector in India

Kolgushkina I.


The article explores the features of the correlation between economic development and gender inequality. International documents and global ratings were studied, the assessment of the existing gender gap and its consequences was made. The author analyzes the current state of India’s energy sector and the addressing of inequality in it. The socio-cultural features of India which influence the status of women in society are studied. The conclusion describes the main programs initiated by international organizations and private actors that contribute to the integration of women in the energy industry. The potential for women’s participation in the development of renewable energy in India was assessed. Engaging women in this industry would increase economic efficiency from which not only society, but also the economy as a whole would benefit.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(6):42-49
pages 42-49 views

African Aluminium Industry: Structure, Problems, Potential

Kalinichenko L., Novikova Z.


The concentration of ore reserves for aluminum production in a limited number of countries increases the global importance of Africa as the owner of this strategic raw material resources. A quarter of the world’s proven bauxite reserves concentrated on the continent, primarily in Guinea, are consumed mainly by developed countries for metal manufacturing, which leads to a territorial gap in the stages of aluminum production. At the same time, aluminum smelters in African countries use imported raw materials, which increases production cost. For African states, it is becoming most essential to create a full production cycle based on internal bauxite reserves and energy sources, which will make it possible to obtain products with high value added. The aluminum industry contributes to Africa’s economies, providing foreign exchange earnings from exports, as well as the world mining companies’ investment in transport and port infrastructure and assistance in the social sphere, in particular, the Russian company OK RUSAL provides comprehensive support to Guinea in health and education fields.

Asia & Africa today. 2024;(6):50-59
pages 50-59 views

Scientific life

Psychological Consequences of COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa (on example of Tanzania and Nigeria)

Burkova V., Butovskaya M., Kavina А., Ojedokun O.


The article is devoted to the study of human behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic in two African countries – Tanzania and Nigeria. Using our own field data, the authors analyzed the dynamics of the level of anxiety on the background of stress from the spread of COVID-19 during two large waves of the pandemic: 1) from May to August 2020 with an average peak on May 11; 2) from June to September 2021. The total sample was 1034 people. One of the authors’ hypotheses was that different control strategies in these countries led to different levels of stress in the population. The most important factor was not only the level of morbidity and mortality in the country, but also the lack of information and misinformation. Using the example of the two African countries, it is shown that misinformation, concealment of official statistics and fear of uncertainty led to an increase in anxiety among the population of Tanzania and slowed down the psychological adaptation of people in the context of a global crisis, observed in many countries around the world a year after the spread of coronavirus infections.

Asia & Africa today. 2024;(6):60-69
pages 60-69 views

Post-graduate tribune

Automation of the Manufacturing Industry in China: Prospects and Risks

Lemutov V.


The paper examines the current state, prospects, and risks of the automation of China’s manufacturing industry in the context of demographic changes and the country’s transition to a new development model based on intensive growth factors. The transition to a new growth model and demographic changes have led to a shift in the factors of China’s competitiveness. Nonetheless, China continues to be the “world’s factory”, which implies the accelerating pace of industrial automation. Over the past 10 years, China has been the largest consumer of industrial robots in the world and has actively increased its own production. The country has surpassed the United States and reached the level of developed countries in terms of robot intensity. Despite the rapid growth in the adoption of industrial robots, an assessment of the structural changes in employment and the pace of automation in manufacturing up to 2030, based on available data, suggests that robotization is unlikely to pose significant risks to employment yet. Moreover, the pace of automation may prove insufficient to address the shortage of workers in the manufacturing sector.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(6):70-78
pages 70-78 views

Book review

A Page of Angolan History

Sidorova G.


Review of the book: Dzhenchakova O.A. Angola: the fate of the Cabinda enclave (Moscow, 2023. 208 p.). (In Russ.). ISBN 978-5-91298-290-3
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(6):79-81
pages 79-81 views