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编号 3 (2024)



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The Korean Vicious Circle

Zhebin A.


The article examines the state and prospects of inter-Korean relations, which are regarded as hostile at this stage in Pyongyang. Much attention is given to the analysis of the internal and international causes of the current aggravation of the military-political confrontation on the Korean peninsula. Contrary to the dominant point of view in the West about the exclusive responsibility of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) for the situation there, the author shows how the United States managed to block attempts at reconciliation between North and South by involving Seoul in various block combinations directed against Russia and China. This strategy gained additional synergy in 2022 with the beginning of the presidency of Yoon Suk Yeol, who came to power with the support of that part of the ruling elite of the Republic of Korea (ROK), which was entirely following the United States and advocated unification through the “absorption” of the DPRK. Realizing the futility of attempts to improve relations with the ROK before the end of the term of the ROK incumbent president, ending in 2027, the DPRK leader Kim Jong-un abandoned the very idea of unification, declared South Korea an “enemy state” and announced planned in this regard changes in the constitution and in the life of the country as a whole.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(3):5-14
pages 5-14 views

Politics, economics

Relations between India and Taiwan at the Present Stage

Lomova A.


The article examines current trends in the development of relations between India and Taiwan. The author notes that relations between India and Taiwan began developing gradually since the 1990s. Since the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) came to power in Taiwan in 2016 and proclaimed the “The New Southbound Policy”, which coincided with the active development of the East direction of the Republic of India’s policy and at the same time the deteriorating of its relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the intensification of cooperation between the two sides began. The author analyzes the historical background for the development of relations between India and Taiwan and their modern vectors. It is noted that the most effective cooperation between the two sides is in the areas of economics, science and technology, as well as in cultural and humanitarian exchanges. Attention is paid to the reaction of the PRC to the development of cooperation between India and Taiwan. The author concludes that despite the development of economic and humanitarian ties along the Taipei – New Delhi line, India continues to adhere to the “one China policy” and is interested in a stable, predictable situation in the Taiwan Strait. The victory of DPP leader Lai Ching-te in the elections held in Taiwan in January 2024, as well as the results of the coming parliamentary elections in India in April–May 2024, as the author considers, will not change the general trends in the development of relations between the two sides.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(3):15-21
pages 15-21 views

Methods of Influence of the J.Biden Administration on Japanese Security Policy

Plaksin A.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the ways in which the Joseph Biden administration influences Japan’s security policy in order to assess the prospects for the development of US-Japanese relations, which could have a significant impact on the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region in the near future. To achieve the goal of the study, questions were analyzed regarding the interest of the Japanese government in participating in military blocs under the auspices of the US, the development of bilateral relations between Japan and the closest allies of the United States, Washington’s reaction to the corresponding actions of Tokyo, as well as the impact of the course of militarization of foreign policy set by Tokyo for the development of US-Japanese relations. As a result of the study a trend towards deepening US-Japanese security cooperation was identified, which is gaining momentum owing to the course pursued by the Japanese administration aimed at militarizing foreign policy activities, as well as the implementation of a flexible policy in relations with Washington, in some cases running counter to the national interests of Tokyo.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(3):22-29
pages 22-29 views

The Amu Darya River Basin and the Development of Irrigated Agriculture in Northern Afghanistan

Okimbekov U.


The article is devoted to the issues of construction by the interim government of the Taliban of hydraulic structures in the northern regions of Afghanistan. In particular, it describes the progress of work on the Qoshteppa project, which is the most discussed in expert circles and at the level of governments of some countries in Central Asia, and which is capable of influencing the water regime of the Amu Darya under conditions of growing scarcity of hydro resources. A brief background of the Afghan state plans for the development of irrigated agriculture based on the waters of this transboundary river, the reasons for delaying their implementation, the prospects for the development of relations with neighboring countries on the joint use of water resources, technical specifications of the planned facilities, information on demography and the ratio of irrigated and rainfed agriculture in the Afghan northern provinces, as well as other projects under implementation, the likelihood of their realization, the impact of future facilities of the Amu Darya and other projects on the development of the national agrarian sector and the economic life of the Northern Afghanistan population in the process of implementation.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(3):30-38
pages 30-38 views

Russia’s Arctic Strategy and the Ways of Cooperation between Russia and China in the Arctic

Huang W.


Global warming accelerates changes in the natural characteristics and geo-environment of the Arctic. The Arctic occupies an extremely important strategic position in the geopolitics and geo-security of Russia, and its development has an impact on the future of Russia. In October 2020, Russian President V.Putin approved the “Strategy for the Development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and ensuring national Security for the period up to 2035”, 2023 marked the 5th anniversary of the publication of the White Paper “China’s Arctic Policy”. In cooperation in the Arctic zone, Russia and China have consistency and complementarity in their interests and requirements. Cooperation between the two countries in the Arctic zone faces both a number of opportunities and numerous challenges. This article examines the stages of development of Russia’s modern Arctic strategy, explains in detail the key content of Russia’s Arctic strategy, analyzes the opportunities and challenges faced by cooperation between Russia and China in the Arctic zone, and explores specific ways of cooperation between the two countries in the Arctic.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(3):39-47
pages 39-47 views

Burkina Faso: From an Unfinished Popular Uprising to Military Coups

Sadovskaya L.


The article analyzes the causes of instability in one of the poorest countries in the world – Burkina Faso. The popular uprising in October 2014 was a consequence of the decolonization processes’ incompletion, which hampered the forward movement of the country’s development. The trigger was a change in the article of the Constitution, allowing President Compaore to remain in power for another term. The transfer of power to the military, many of whom were Compaore supporters, did not destroy the political system that existed before the uprising. Moreover, the state is becoming a target for Islamist groups infiltrating from neighboring Mali. Civilian President Kafando, who came to power in 2015, was unable to stop jihadist violence and ensure security in the country. The growing crisis of mistrust in the authorities was the cause of two military coups during 2022. Lieutenant Colonel Damiba, who carried out a military coup in January, did not stop jihadist violence. Another military coup in September of the same year was evidence of a split within the army. Captain Traore, who took power, was supported by the majority of the military and of the country’s population. His rejection of French armed forces presence, his intention to reform the army and desire to cooperate with Russia in the military, economic and humanitarian fields are supported by the majority of Burkinabés. This is confirmed by the presentation the Vladimir Putin International Prize in Ouagadougou, which will be awarded to outstanding African leaders for their contribution to the struggle for the liberation of the peoples of Africa.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(3):48-56
pages 48-56 views

“Little Mogadishu” in Stockholm, or “Apartheid with a Friendly Face” in Sweden

Gorokhov S., Dmitriev R., Agafoshin M.


The article analyzes the causes of spatial segregation of migrants from Africa in Sweden. The problem of segregation is most pervasive in Rinkeby – a district of the Swedish capital, whose population is more than half represented by migrants from Africa, primarily from Somalia. The segregation of Somalis in Rinkeby is caused by a complex of reasons: the inherited difficulties of the country’s housing system, the policy of multiculturalism in Swedish society carried out for decades, the socio-cultural characteristics of the Somalis themselves – the clan structure of their diaspora. The combination of a multicultural model of integration, which provides for the preservation and development of the cultural traditions of immigrant communities in Sweden, with the principles of the welfare state has actually led to the voluntary segregation of Somalis. Rinkeby is often referred to as “Little Mogadishu” and has acquired a dubious reputation as one of the most dangerous places to live in the country, which is caused by the marginalization and criminalization of the migrant population. The Swedish authorities are striving to implement programs aimed at improving the socio-economic indicators of districts such as Rinkeby through the elimination of the very mechanisms of segregation.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(3):57-65
pages 57-65 views

ASEAN amidst the Digital Fragmentation

Kanaev E., Novik N., Kulyasov N., Fedorenko D.


This article focuses on the policy of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations regarding the implementation of multilateral projects in the Asia-Pacific region amidst the fragmentation of the global digital space. On identifying the directions of social digital transformation and major problems it generates, the study further proceeds to specifying its impact on ASEAN-centric formats and initiatives of multilateral cooperation to finally turn to assessing the energy dimension of ASEAN’s policies and its digital support. It has been revealed that the fragmentation of the digital sphere has a negative multiplier effect on the strengthening of conflict elements in relations between key global actors, and there are no instrumental opportunities to reduce their severity. The problems caused by digital transformation overlap with the bottlenecks of ASEAN-led multilateral projects and initiatives: the ASEAN Economic Community and the Comprehensive Regional Economic Partnership, which undermines the Association’s ability to create and enhance economies of scale to make the region an attractive space for production and commercial activities and negatively affects ASEAN’s status as a coordinator of Asia-Pacific multilateral policy dialogue and security issues.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(3):66-73
pages 66-73 views

“Bride Exports” in Media Discourse of Vietnam and China

Grigoryeva N., Starikova S.


The article focuses on representation of the “bride exports” phenomenon in the media of Vietnam and China. Based on publications from two youth newspapers and two largest socially oriented newspapers of Vietnam and China, using frame analysis methods, the authors identify similarities and differences in the coverage of “bride exports” practices in media of the two countries. The results revealed that the media in Vietnam and China both interpret the “bride exports” as a criminal problem but they differ in the coverage of its causes, victims, impact on Vietnamese women and effectiveness of countermeasures. The revealed differences indicate that the media of each country are seeking to find an external cause for negative social phenomena and illegal activities and also tend to consider their fellow citizens to be victims rather than responsible for the current situation.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(3):74-82
pages 74-82 views