ASEAN amidst the Digital Fragmentation




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This article focuses on the policy of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations regarding the implementation of multilateral projects in the Asia-Pacific region amidst the fragmentation of the global digital space. On identifying the directions of social digital transformation and major problems it generates, the study further proceeds to specifying its impact on ASEAN-centric formats and initiatives of multilateral cooperation to finally turn to assessing the energy dimension of ASEAN’s policies and its digital support. It has been revealed that the fragmentation of the digital sphere has a negative multiplier effect on the strengthening of conflict elements in relations between key global actors, and there are no instrumental opportunities to reduce their severity. The problems caused by digital transformation overlap with the bottlenecks of ASEAN-led multilateral projects and initiatives: the ASEAN Economic Community and the Comprehensive Regional Economic Partnership, which undermines the Association’s ability to create and enhance economies of scale to make the region an attractive space for production and commercial activities and negatively affects ASEAN’s status as a coordinator of Asia-Pacific multilateral policy dialogue and security issues.


Evgeny Kanaev


ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7988-4210
Leading Researcher, Center for Asia-Pacific Studies Moscow, Russia

Nikolay Novik

HSE University; Financial University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9373-5246
Associate Professor, School of International Affairs; Associate Professor, Department of International Business Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia

Nikolay Kulyasov

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0438-8394
PhD (Economics), Leading Researcher, Scientific and Methodological Center “Higher School of Tariff Regulation” Moscow, Russia

Dmitry Fedorenko

HSE University

ORCID iD: 0009-0000-8831-5821
2nd-year master’s student, “World Economy” program, Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs Moscow, Russia


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