Formation of the Political System of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Challenges and Limitations




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Aftertwo years and a half since the Taliban seized power in Kabul, it is important to analyze the formation of the political system of the Islamic Emirate оf Afghanistan and why it is being delayed. The article is devoted to identi fying the reasons for such a situation. As a result of the study, the author concludes that the regime is facing a number of challenges and contradictions, and these challenges are generated by the Taliban themselves. A number of contradictions are characteristic of the leadership of the Islamic Taliban movement, and of the movement itself, and of the Taliban’s policies, and of the situation in the country. The government they created is not inclusive and has not gained internal legitimacy, which prevents the regime from gaining international recognition. In addition, the lack of experience in peaceful life and management skills, contra dictions in the Taliban Movement and in its leadership, disregard for the interests of ethnic minorities strengthen the ranks of their opponents, including Islamic State-Wilayat Khorasan and ethno-national formations.




Yuriy Laletin

MGIMO University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4878-4599
PhD (History), Associated Professor, Department of Indo-Iranian Languages, MGIMO; Re-searcher; Department of countries of the Near and Middle East, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, Russia


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