The Phenomenon of “Coupvolution” in Africa




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The article is dedicated to the phenomenon of “coupvolution” (the term originally mentioned by researcher Nathan Toronto), which is a combination of revolution and military coup. This phenomenon was first noticed and described during events in Egypt in 2011, and, consequently, such events have begun occurring all around Africa. This article is focused on the specifics of the coupvolution phenomenon and its most notable examples. Mostly, the phenomenon of “coupvolution” is related to Sub-Saharan Africa and its study could contribute to both political science and African studies. The article is concluded with an idea that “coupvolution” is an understudied phenomenon, and its research could be an important step in understanding African political processes.


Egor Fain


ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1229-3691
Russian Federation, Moscow


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