Burkina Faso: From an Unfinished Popular Uprising to Military Coups



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The article analyzes the causes of instability in one of the poorest countries in the world – Burkina Faso. The popular uprising in October 2014 was a consequence of the decolonization processes’ incompletion, which hampered the forward movement of the country’s development. The trigger was a change in the article of the Constitution, allowing President Compaore to remain in power for another term. The transfer of power to the military, many of whom were Compaore supporters, did not destroy the political system that existed before the uprising. Moreover, the state is becoming a target for Islamist groups infiltrating from neighboring Mali. Civilian President Kafando, who came to power in 2015, was unable to stop jihadist violence and ensure security in the country. The growing crisis of mistrust in the authorities was the cause of two military coups during 2022. Lieutenant Colonel Damiba, who carried out a military coup in January, did not stop jihadist violence. Another military coup in September of the same year was evidence of a split within the army. Captain Traore, who took power, was supported by the majority of the military and of the country’s population. His rejection of French armed forces presence, his intention to reform the army and desire to cooperate with Russia in the military, economic and humanitarian fields are supported by the majority of Burkinabés. This is confirmed by the presentation the Vladimir Putin International Prize in Ouagadougou, which will be awarded to outstanding African leaders for their contribution to the struggle for the liberation of the peoples of Africa.

Sobre autores

Lyubov Sadovskaya

Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: lubowsadowskaya@yandex.ru
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3765-9736
PhD (History), Senior Researcher, Centre for Sociological and Political Studies Moscow, Russia


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