The State Governance in the Coming Digital Age: Implications for China



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The digital transformation, as the main trend in this coming Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0.), is not only leading a new round of economic and industrial transformation, but also reshaping society and fundamentally transforming state governance.How to manage the state governance in this digital age is becoming the vital question for many countries in the post COVID-19 era. How to adjust the state governance rules and methods in accordance with the emerging digital technologies to boost the socio-economic growth and development?This article provides the analysis of state governance in the digital age both at theoretical and practical levels, from Chinese perspective. It focuses on the governance changes that digital transformation brings with the traditional institutionalism, defines the state of the coming digital era, observes China’s state governance transformation in this process, and finally offers the implications of “Chinese model” in terms of state-led development in this digital age. The main research methodologies mainly contain analytical, comparative, and inductive.

Sobre autores

Guo Cheng

Nanjing University of Science and Technology; Patrice Lumumba RUDN University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4927-6596
China, Nanjing; Russia, Moscow


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