卷 81, 编号 1 (2014)


Change in strategic group membership of global agricultural engineering industry and in branch positions of its members

Fayzrakhmanov F.


Changes occurring among the main competitors of global agricultural engineering industry in 2008-2012 were described. Particular attention was given to rising of competitiveness of engineering workers from China and India.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):3-7
pages 3-7 views

Mathematical modeling of oscillations of a wheel tractor equipped with shock absorbers of front suspension

Zolotarevskaya D.


Vertical oscillations of front and back axles of a wheel tractor that has front axle suspension equipped with elastic springs and shock absorbers were considered. The mathematical model and calculation method for axles’ oscillations were proposed. The influence of front axles’ vertical oscillations on soil compaction was investigated.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):8-11
pages 8-11 views

Influence of stochastic external loading conditions on the performance of machine and tractor unit

Eviyev V., Ochirov N., Mudzhikov B.


Results of performance investigation for a machine and tractor unit with tractors equipped with engine of constant power and with common diesel engine were presented.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):11-12
pages 11-12 views

Results of experimental researches of power circulation in transmission of a timber tractor with 6К6 axle configuration

Sivkov Y.


Results of investigation of parasitic losses in the transmission of wheel timber tractor ШЛК-6-04 are given. It is determined that parasitic losses fundamentally depend on translational velocity of tractor and can reach 50-60% from nominal engine power. Load increase on tractor hook does not have such influence on parasitic losses as translational velocity.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):13-15
pages 13-15 views

Modeling of interaction between a high-elastic tire and a road hump

Pryadkin V., Godzhayev Z.


Results of the theoretical and experimental researches assessing smoothing ability of extra-low pressure tires, as well mathematical dependencies for modelling of the wheel axle point trajectory when moving over road humps are given.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):16-18
pages 16-18 views

Slipping process research of drive wheels of the МТЗ-100 tractor in breakaway and acceleration modes

Loparev A., Venglinskiy A., Komkin A.


Results of the angular velocity and angular acceleration measuring for a drive wheel of tractor МТЗ-100 when it rolls away after interrupted breakaway are presented. Tests have been carried out in the stubble field using four gearings of fifth range with a hook load of 10 kN.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):18-20
pages 18-20 views

Applicability of different models of wheel tractor dynamic system for the calculation assessment of its vibration load

Podrubalov V., Podrubalov M., Nikitenko A.


Data concerning vertical vibration levels on an operator’s seat and a wheel suspension deflection calculated using three calculation models of a tractor vibratory system, namely chain three-mass, plain and spatial twelve-mass ones, in the mode of moving on the reference track of random profile are given. Application inadmissibility of the chain model because of inadequacy of vibration level to operational one and possibility of restricted using of the plain model are shown. The spatial model ensures the best convergence to the measured data.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):20-25
pages 20-25 views

Determination of soil volume required for high-quality embedding of seed onion bulbs into a furrow

Yemelyanov P., Sibirev A., Aksenov A.


The theoretical and experimental substantiation of soil volume required for high-quality embedding of seed onion bulbs into a furrow taking into account geometric sizes of bulbs and a furrow is given. Acceptable parameters of disc embedding working organ have been found by the experimental way.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):25-27
pages 25-27 views

Backward-and-forward extrusion application for the improvement of cold forging of tractor planetary gear transmission shaft

Ignatenko V., Filippov Y., Ragulin A., Yevsikov R.


Existing manufacturing technology for heavy-duty part “tractor planetary gear transmission shaft” have been analyzed, the new resource-saving method is proposed.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):27-30
pages 27-30 views

Functional tests of a heavy-duty disk harrow equipped with ski device intended for plants knocking down and preliminary deformation

Kravchuk V., Davydyuk V.


The new method and a device for soil preparation to crops growing were developed: before chopping plant stems are knocked down on the field surface at an angle to motion trajectory of a working organ; a preliminary fragmentation is effected by a disc tillage tool using soil surface as a prop.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):30-33
pages 30-33 views

Indices of electrical equipment operational safety for vehicles exploited in agriculture

Zhutov A., Popov A., Grigorov V.


Operational safety of vehicle electrical equipment have been analyzed. Recommendations for operators are given.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):34
pages 34 views

Increase of high angle conveyors’ technological reliability

Kushnir V., Kim N., Benyukh O., Romanyuk N., Sashko K.


Issues of technological reliability increase for high angle conveyor’s operation are considered. It can be ensured by means of coupling improving between a belt and a driving drum, belt retention in case of its breaking and prevention of belt reverse when a conveyor is stopped. Original designs for a driving drum, a disc drum brake, device for conveyor’s belt catching in case of its breaking are proposed; their operation is considered.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):35-37
pages 35-37 views

Experimental research of motor-and-tractor starters’ wear resistance

Sharkov O.


Regularities of influence of geometric characteristics and working units material on wear resistance of different kinds of eccentric freewheel clutches for motor-and-tractor starter drives have been experimentally determined.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):37-39
pages 37-39 views

Diagnostics of turbocharger for motor-and-tractor diesel engine using the КИ 5543 running and braking bench developed by GOSNITI

Inshakov A., Kuvshinov A., Kurbakov I., Kornaukhov O.


Programming and engineering tools needed for diagnostic tests of turbocharger are described. Possibilities of running and braking bench developed by GOSNITI are improved.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):39-41
pages 39-41 views

Renewal and strengthening of A-hoe blades for cultivating machines using ceramic-metal materials

Titov N., Kolomeychenko A.


A promising technology of renewal and following strengthening for A-hoe blades for soil cultivating machines which also can be applied for new blades strengthening is considered. The developed technology allows substantially increase wear resistance of blades edges by means of a ceramic-metal coating.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):42-43
pages 42-43 views

Technological mode and transport support of agricultural production in some foreign countries

Dzotsenidze T., Kozlovskaya M.


It was shown by the example of Australian, Canada, German, USA and other countries that a tractor is profitable mainly when it used for slow short-distance small-lot cargo transportation within farms. It is not improbable that agricultural automobile transport development will be necessary for further increase in agriculture productivity.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):44-47
pages 44-47 views

Technologies and machinery for potato growing at the Potato Europe 2013 exhibition

Kolchin N., Yelizarov V.


Information about main displays at the exhibition is given in particular about field demonstration of potato harvesters and potato processing lines. Constructive features of machinery and equipment for potato cultivation and production featured in an exhibition are considered.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):48-51
pages 48-51 views

International research and practice conference Transport, logistics, environmental management-2013

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24 октября 2013 г. в Ереване состоялась 4-я Международная научно-практическая конференция «Транспорт, логистика, природопользование-2013», в которой приняли участие представители специализированных университетов разных стран. На конференции были прочитаны доклады и научные сообщения, посвященные актуальным проблемам и вопросам теории и практики логистики, надежности и эффективности функционирования транспортно-технологических систем, экологической безопасности, природопользования.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):41
pages 41 views

Commemorating the 80th anniversary of L.Ye. Ageyev

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27 сентября 2013 г. научная общественность России и стран СНГ отметила 80-летие со дня рождения заслуженного деятеля науки и техники РФ, д-ра техн. наук, проф. Леонида Ефимовича Агеева (27.09.1933 – 18.12.2004).
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2014;81(1):52
pages 52 views
