Air-cooled diesel's cylinder deformation




The causes of the air-cooled diesel's cylinder deformation are analysed, leading to the increase in mechanical loss and decrease in reliability and service life.


Ye Belov

Vladimir State University

Vladimir State University

A Gots

Vladimir State University

Vladimir State University


  1. Martin F.A. Friction in internal combustion engine bearings // Combustion Engines - Reduction of friction and wear / IMechE Conference Publications. - Westminster, London, 1985.
  2. Трение и теплопередача в поршневых кольцах двигателей внутреннего сгорания: Справочное пособие / Р.М. Петриченко и др. - Л.: Издательство ЛГУ, 1990.

版权所有 © Belov Y.S., Gots A.N., 2009

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