Justification and development of a method for stabilizing the movement of grain and forage harvesters based on the principle of inertial dynamic damping




The necessity of stabilizing the movement of grain and forage harvesters as one of the main directions of increasing the productivity of the considered class of transport and technological machines is substantiated. It is shown that a modern combine can be represented in the form of two mass models, including a housing and an adapter, which allows you to organize controlled forced mobility between them, forming reactive torque components, controlling which can provide a given level of smoothness of the combine. The design scheme is given, an approximate component composition of the system is determined, and a description of the working process is given when stabilizing the longitudinal-angular vibrations of the self-propelled combine body. Based on the mathematical and simulation models of the combine previously developed by the author, modeling of its movement along a dirt road and asphalt concrete highway with different speeds in the initial state and with a working stabilization system was carried out. Based on a comparison of the spectral densities of the angles of longitudinal inclination of the housing of the forage harvester, the efficiency of the system in terms of stabilization of movement is shown. The efficiency of the system is confirmed by a decrease in the active vibration acceleration at the workplace in the entire normalized frequency range. The results of evaluating the health of the system are presented. The implementation of the adapter rotation angles is shown, the dimensional parameters and restrictions on the driving conditions that allow the adapter to move along the calculated rotation amplitudes are justified. The energy costs for the implementation of the proposed stabilization method are considered. It is shown that for a modern forage harvester, a motion stabilization system will require up to eight kW of power, which is an insignificant share in the energy structure of the combine. Conclusions are drawn and directions for further research are identified.


P. Sirotin

Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)

Email: spv_61@mail.ru
PhD in Engineering Novocherkassk, Russia


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