Probabilistic-statistical method for determining ergonomic tolerances of machine-tractor units with a gas-turbine engine




The justification and usage of tolerances for ergonomic parameters ensure safety and improve the conditions and safety of operators of machine-tractor units. The subject of the investigation is a development of the mathematical models for a determination of the ergonomic parameters of machine-tractor units with gas-turbine engines. The aim of the investigations is a development of the probabilistic-statistical method for a determination of the ergonomic tolerances of machine-tractor units equipped with gas turbine engines. The novelty of the researches consists in the developed mathematical models and algorithm for a calculation of the tolerances for ergonomic parameters of machine-tractor units with gas-turbine engines. The proposed method is developed on the basis of systems analysis and methods of collecting and processing information, mathematical modeling. At the same time, state standards GOST 26387-8, GOST R ISO 15005-2012, GOST R ISO 15534-1-2009 were also used. Ergonomic parameters of machine-tractor units are divided into the following basic groups: anthropometric, hygienic, physiological and psychological. As the main quantitative characteristics of the tolerances for ergonomic parameters of machine-tractor units, the following are defined: adjusting tolerances for the level of adjustment, adjusting tolerances for the accuracy of adjustment and control tolerances. The proposed method and algorithm for a calculation allow to predict the optimal values of ergonomic tolerances of machine-tractor units with a probability of 0,95. As an example in the article, the examples of calculating the temperature tolerances at the mechanic workplace of the machine-tractor unit with a gas-turbine engine GTD-350T are given. It is established that the optimum values of the adjusting tolerance for the level of the temperature setting at the mechanic workplace are equal to 20±1 °C, and the adjusting tolerance for the accuracy of the adjustment is ±0,7 °C. The established ergonomic tolerances and the probabilistic-statistical method for their determination are intended for a justification, continuous control and ergonomic parameters assessments that ensure the safety and improvement of the conditions and labor protection of the operator of machine-tractor units with a gas turbine engine. The proposed probabilistic-statistical method provides the definition and optimization of ergonomic parameters of machine-tractor units with a gas turbine engine, taking into account the probabilistic character of their changes under specific conditions of their operation.


V. Shkrabak

Saint-Petersburg state agrarian university, St. Petersburg

DSc in Engineering

N. Dzhabborov

The Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution the «Institute for agroengineering and environmental problems in agricultural production»

DSc in Engineering


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