Analysis of hydrodynamic characteristics of sprays of nozzles of ICE




The automotive and tractor machinery plays an important role in technical support of agro-industrial complex at the present stage of development of agricultural production. The main energy source of these vehicles are internal combustion engines, which work is influenced highly by spraying nozzles. A comprehensive study of the qualitative indicators of their functioning allowed authors to find new practical and theoretical solutions. In the study of the hydrodynamic characteristics of spraying nozzles, a theoretical analysis was used. When replacing bayonet sprinklers in the vortex chamber diesel with multi-jet, the hydrodynamic parameters of the fuel injection process were performed. Three types of sprays were tested. The studied sprayers differ from each other in the size of a flow section, mass of a needle, the sizes and a location the holes. It causes various sizes of delivery pressure of fuel, an oscillation frequency of a needle of the sprayer and other parameters. The received calculated dependences show that with increase in a flow section with a constant residual pressure critical pressure of a wave of supply of fuel increases. So with a residual pressure of 3 MPas critical pressure of a wave makes respectively 10, 14,4, 16,7 MPas for sprays of three types. Increase in residual pressure causes increase in critical pressure of a supply wave. Due to the need of increase in critical pressure of a fuel supply wave for multiple-jet sprayers (in comparison with bayonet) we will consider influence of the nozzle spring tension pressure on the needle opening delay time. Results of calculation of delay of opening of a needle of a nozzle for bayonet and multiple-jet sprays are presented. Studies show that the size of delay of raising of a needle of a nozzle with the multiple-jet spray with a pressure of the beginning of injection Pz = 15 mpa is closest to delay size for the bayonet spray. The result revealed that the frequency of natural oscillations and their duration slightly differ from each other (no more than 5 %). Hence it can be assumed that the use of the experimental sprayers will not exert the considerable impact on operation of sprayers from the point of view of vibration characteristics.


S. Altukhov

Irkutsk State Agrarian University n.a. Aleksandr Ezhevskiy

Email: Shuhanov56@mail
PhD in Engineering

S. Shukhanov

Irkutsk State Agrarian University n.a. Aleksandr Ezhevskiy

Email: Shuhanov56@mail
DSc in Engineering


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