Determination of reactions of bearing surface on the wheels of tractor with frame stabilization




The aim of the paper is to establish the functional relationship between the parameters of a wheeled tractor with frame stabilization, suspended on front and rear axles, the characteristics of bearing surface and the normal reactions acting on the wheels of tractor driving axle. The novelty lies in the fact that the paper determines normal reactions on the wheels of a hillside tractor, taking into account the most significant parameters of the tractor and of bearing surface: stabilized tractor mass (frame); unstabilized tractor mass (axle); mass that is reduced to rear axle of frame; gauge and base of tractor; radius of wheels; coordinates of centers of stabilized and unstabilized mass of tractor; transverse slope angle of bearing surface; transverse and radial deformations of wheels; angle of inclination of axis of driving axle. The normal reactions acting on the wheels of tractor will depend on the mode of motion along the slope: linear one; curvilinear one on cone; curvilinear one on superelevation; linear one with turning down; linear one with turning up; curvilinear one on cone with turning down; curvilinear one on cone with turning up; curvilinear one on superelevation with turning down; curvilinear one on superelevation with turning up. The functional dependencies, obtained in the paper for the first three main modes of motion, can be used for the design of system algorithm for the stabilization of tractor frame suspended on front and rear axles. Direct measurement of the bearing reactions on tractor wheels is almost impossible, therefore the only possible solution of the problem of automatic stabilization, based on the normal reactions on wheels, is their analytical determination, which is sufficiently reliable.


G. Mamiti

Gorskiy State Agrarian University

DSc in Engineering Vladikavkaz, Russia

M. L'yanov

Gorskiy State Agrarian University

DSc in Engineering Vladikavkaz, Russia

S. Pliev

Gorskiy State Agrarian University

PhD in Engineering Vladikavkaz, Russia

A. Zokoev

Gorskiy State Agrarian University

Engineer Vladikavkaz, Russia

Z. Salbieva

Gorskiy State Agrarian University

Engineer Vladikavkaz, Russia

V. Tedeev

A.A. Tibilov South-Ossetian State University

PhD in Engineering Tskhinval, South Ossetia


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版权所有 © Mamiti G.I., L'yanov M.S., Pliev S.K., Zokoev A.O., Salbieva Z.S., Tedeev V.B., 2016

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