Influence of particulate filler from waste fractions of abrasive wheels on wear-out rate of composites based on epoxy




In spite of wide use of the polymer adhesive composite disperse materials in various industries, they aren’t in demand as materials for the restoration and strengthening of the friction surfaces of parts of tillage machines. The reason lies in the obscurity of their tribotechnical properties. First of all, these materials include the composites based on epoxy components filled with waste fractions of abrasive wheels. Therefore, the wear pattern during the testing time, as well as the effect of testing time on wear-out rate of the composite and of epoxy composition without filler have been investigated. The studies were of comparative nature and were carried out using an individual method. The content of this method is testing of 16 samples simultaneously in the same conditions at any time of the experiment. The epoxy composition (100 weight parts of ED-20 epoxy and 7 weight parts of hardener) and the composite comprising such epoxy composition and abrasive waste fractions of grinding wheels in the ratio of 30% to 70% respectively have been studied. The results of the experiments show that the dependence of wear and wear-out rate on testing time has a classic nature, identified previously in number of studies. The presence of dispersive component in composite in the form of waste fractions of abrasive wheels has a positive effect on reducing of its wear-out rate. It is established that the wear-out rate of composite is 1.5 times less than the wear-out rate of epoxy composition without filler, providing thereby the possibility of its use as an abrasion-resistant repair material for restoration of parts.


A. Mikhal'chenkov

All-Russian Research Institute of Technology for Repair and Maintenance of Machine and Tractor Fleet

DSc in Engineering Moscow, Russia

Ya. Biryulina

Bryansk State Agrarian University

Engineer Kokino, Bryansk region, Russia

M. Mikhal'chenkova

Bryansk State Agrarian University

Engineer Kokino, Bryansk region, Russia


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