The results of the operational test of a mock-up sample of the tool with an active drive of rotary working bodies with an assessment of agrotechnical indicators





BACKGROUND: Modernization aimed to improve the design and to increase the quality of operation of the ring-type working bodies, is possible with changing the design parameters such as the use of ellipsoidal cutting knives mounted on the hub by means of spokes. However, the principle of operation of these working bodies remains poorly understood and requires verification in the field conditions in order to study the qualitative performance indicators to improve surface tillage operations and, consequently, to increase the yield of grain crops further.

AIM: Field testing of the developed mock-up sample of the tool in order to define the compliance of the obtained indicators with the agricultural requirements for pre-sowing and fallow treatment..

METHODS: The field study of the tool and the evaluation of the indicators were carried out in accordance with the GOST 20915-2011 and the ST RK 1559-2006 standards. During the study, the following requirements were met: the depth of soil treatment h = 5…6 cm, angle of attack β = 40°, λ = 0.9...0.96, υ = 9…10 km/h. Qualitative indicators of the tool operation were defined in accordance with the given regulatory documents.

RESULTS: According to the results of the field study, it was found that after the passage of the unit, less than 98.18–98.26% of weeds remain on the field surface. At the same time, in order to prevent the occurrence of wind erosion, about 64.45% of stubble is preserved on the field, while leveling the field surface – the crumbling index is 84.46–83.87% and the ridge of the field surface is 1.41–1.63 cm. The ridges at the bottom of formed furrows are no more than 1.6-1.81 cm. The content of erosion-hazardous particles during surface tillage operations decreased by 4.22–4.43% in comparison with the results before the field study.

CONCLUSIONS: According to the obtained data of operation quality indicators, the use of tools with these working bodies can improve the quality of operation during pre-sowing and fallow treatments.


Ruslan Kravchenko

Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynuly

ORCID iD: 0009-0007-7456-9901
SPIN 代码: 8479-4468

PhD, Acting Associate Professor of the Agricultural Technology and Transport Department

哈萨克斯坦, Kostanay


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2. Fig. 1. Design of the mock-up sample of the tool at the pre-sowing soil treatment: I — a carrying frame; II — a sloping link; III — a pack of rotational working bodies; IV — a supporting wheel; V — a driveshaft; VI — a chain; VII — a bevel reduction gear; VIII — a slip clutch; IX — an overrunning clutch.

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3. Fig. 2. A technological process of the pre-sowing soil treatment using the mock-up sample of the tool coupled with the MTZ-82 tractor.

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4. Fig. 3. Results of the operational test with the assessment of agrotechnical indicators of the mock-up sample of the tool: a — soil crumbling, %; b — weed cutting, %; c — stubble preserving, %; d — height of ridges on field surface, cm; e — content of erosion-hazardous particles; %; f — height of ridges at the bottom of a furrow, cm.

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