Differential distribution of hardening materials on cutting blades of soil processing machines

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The cutting blades of the working bodies of the soil-processing machines due to their intense abrasive wear largely influence the operational reliability and performance of the working machinery. To increase the service life of the blade the carbide materials are harden, the appropriate expenditure of which requires the definition of rational zones and geometric parameters of more or less of their application to the blade. A method is proposed for determining the geometrical dimensions of a layer of hardening materials of soil-processing machines previously applied to cutting blades. The algorithm of the method consists in first identifying the magnitudes of the normal pressures acting on the side of the treated soils on the blades and building the corresponding plots of the nature of the change in loads on the blade surface. The nature of the distribution of loads on the blades of soil-processing machines is rational to determine by special application of wearable materials over the friction surface. The rapid wear of these materials with different intensity in different areas of friction characterizes the distribution of real loads acting on the blades from the treated soils. Then, after analyzing the plots, taking into account the characteristics of the treated soils, the properties of the reinforcing materials applied to the blades and the expected blade life, the size of the applied layer of reinforcing materials is determined. Then, after analyzing the plots, taking into account the characteristics of the treated soils, the properties of the reinforcing materials applied to the blades and the expected blade life, the size of the applied layer of reinforcing materials is determined. The geometry of the distribution of reinforcing materials and the specific dimensions of their cross-sections are chosen in a way similar to the values of the curves for the epures of normal pressures arising under actual operating conditions. Thus, the proposed differentiated distribution of reinforcing materials over the surface of the blades of soil-processing machines allows for rational use of materials under conditions of abrasive wear of the working bodies and provides the necessary operational durability.

About the authors

V. I Myalenko

Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute

Email: library@ksai.ru
DSc in Engineering


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