Method for determining the displacement parameters of an agricultural mobile machine

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Technologies of precision agriculture, actively used in developed countries at the present time, lead to a significant economic effect and increase the environmental friendliness of agricultural production. The basis of high-precision agriculture is the use of satellite radio navigation systems. Satellite navigation systems provide the ability to obtain data on the characteristics of the movement of an agricultural mobile machine. Satellite navigation systems provide the ability to obtain data on the characteristics of the movement of an agricultural mobile machine. However, these data without the use of base stations do not have the accuracy sufficient to perform a number of works in agricultural production. At the same time, increasing accuracy leads to an incomparable increase in costs. The authors developed a method for determining the position of a mobile machine, which can be used for agricultural land processing. The technology provides an increase in the accuracy of determining the position of the object on the ground, as well as a reduction in the cost of equipment used for these purposes. The method is realized by means of installation on the edges of the moving sector of the agricultural mobile machine of two corner reflectors. Reflectors are equipped with individual radiation filters. The light pulse transmitter and the first type sensor are mounted on an agricultural mobile machine. The transmitter emits light in the direction of the corner reflectors. The reflected light pulse enters the receiving device and is detected by a second type sensor. After recording the reflected pulses, the time between the appearance of the primary pulse and the appearance of reflected pulses is determined. At known values of the time of appearance of pulses, the distance from the agricultural mobile machine to the angle reflectors and, accordingly, the coordinates of the machine on the plane are found. The increase in the accuracy of the data obtained is associated with a decrease in the distance traveled by pulses of electromagnetic radiation. Thus, this method is recommended to be used to improve the efficiency of seeding, inter-row crop processing, fertilization and harvesting.

About the authors

A. S Pavlyuk

Polzunov Altai State Technical University

DSc in Engineering

A. S Baranov

Polzunov Altai State Technical University

PhD in Engineering


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Copyright (c) 2017 Pavlyuk A.S., Baranov A.S.

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