Potential productivity of the tractor

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The agricultural tractor is designed to replace the live traction force with the main purpose - to increase the productivity of the farmer. But among the indicators of the tractor, characterizing its technical and technological level, there is no generalized performance indicator, reflecting the main property by which it would be possible to make a comparative evaluation of tractors of different models. The need to introduce an indicator of the productivity of the tractor has increased recently due to the significantly increased energy saturation. This increase in energy saturation is chaotic and is accompanied by a different mismatch in engine power and the weight of the tractor. There is a "surplus" power of the engine, which can not be used, because the traction force of the tractor is limited by its weight, and the speed of movement - by agrotechnical requirements. In these conditions, the introduction of the indicator of the tractor's performance in the number of indicators of the technical and technological level of the tractor acquires even greater urgency. The article defines the concept, substantiated and proposed a calculated indicator of agricultural tractor productivity - potential productivity. Potential productivity is proposed to understand the changeable design capacity of a tractor with a gun of such a width, at which its traction resistance is equal to the nominal design traction force of the tractor, and the speed of the machine-tractor unit is maximum for a given engine power, but does not exceed the speed established by the rules of agricultural technology. It is proposed to accept the potential performance of an agricultural tractor as one of its basic indicators of the technical and technological characteristics of the tractor in addition to the existing ones, and also to indicate in the list of technical parameters of the tractor.

About the authors

G. M Kut'kov

Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow K.A. Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

Email: gkutkow@yandex.ru
DSc in Engineering


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