Threshing and separating device

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The article presents a brief analysis of the technology of harvesting grain crops and technical means, from which it follows that one-section threshing-separating decks structurally look as follows. The “sockets” for their installation in the combine are fixed on the side cheeks, which, in turn, are rigidly connected to the transverse strips, installed between them at a uniform interval along the entire length of the deck, and the transverse strips with their inner side are located on a cylindrical surface with a certain drum wrap angle. At the same time, to increase the rigidity of the transverse strips and the entire deck as a whole, below the surface of the bar tier, the transverse strips are interconnected by rectangular ribs curved along a concentric circle of a larger radius than the radius of the working surface of the separating grid. All decks are installed on the combine with respect to the outer diameter of the drum beaters, not along a concentric circle, but with an offset. Therefore, the principal disadvantages of single-drum single-section decks are the high levels of under-threshing, loss of free grain in the coarse heap through straw walkers, and especially crushing. In this connection, there is a need for its improvement, as well as the need to modernize the threshing-separating device with an improvement in the operation of the air-sieve cleaning. On the basis of prospecting studies, a single-section threshing deck protected by the RF patent was proposed. The deck consists of at least three zones. In the first zone of threshing and separation the separating grid is made two-tier, with a variable distance between the tiers by means of a variant installation under the main tier of removable bars of the grid, located on the transverse slats with a step t larger on radii than those of the main tier, passing in the middle of the step bars of the main upper tier with intervals from 0.75 to 1.25t. In the second zone of separation and threshing the separating grid with a length of 5 to 12 intervals between the transverse strips is single-tier, but the step between the grid bars located on the continuation of the tier of the first zone on the transverse strips of the zone is at least 1.5t of the step. In the third zone of final threshing and separation with a length of no more than 6 intervals between the transverse slats, a single-tier grating is a continuation of the upper tier of the first zone with a bar pitch from 0.5 to 1.5t of the first zone pitch. This solution has practical significance and perspective for implementation by installing them on self-propelled grain harvesters.

About the authors

M. O Sobolev

Kuban State Agrarian University

Krasnodar, Russia

B. F Tarasenko

Kuban State Agrarian University

Dsc in Engineering Krasnodar, Russia

L. F Mechkalo

Kuban State Agrarian University

Krasnodar, Russia

S. A Voynash

Novosibirsk State Agricultural University

Novosibirsk, Russia

V. A Sokolova

Saint-Petersburg State Forestry University

PhD in Engineering Saint-Petersburg, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2021 Sobolev M.O., Tarasenko B.F., Mechkalo L.F., Voynash S.A., Sokolova V.A.

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