Physico-chemical characteristics of particulate contamination in the coolant for automobile and tractor engines

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The article describes the results of a study of the physicochemical characteristics of solid particles of contaminants present in the coolant of automobile and tractor engines. The data on the fractional, physical and chemical composition of solid particles of contamination are given. It was established that the generalized reason for the appearance of contaminants of various nature in liquid cooling systems of engines is the physicochemical interaction of the coolant (antifreeze) with different elements and dissimilar materials of the cooling system. The use of absolutely pure coolant in the cooling systems of automobile and tractor engines is practically unrealistic, since there will always be operating conditions that contribute to the formation of contamination. A number of chemical elements (in an amount from 1 to 47% of each element) were found in the composition of solid particles of coolant contaminants: iron Fe, silicon Si, aluminum Al, lead Pb, tin Sn, zinc Zn, calcium Ca, magnesium Mg, copper Cu. In addition, at a level of less than 1.0% (wt.), Such chemical elements as potassium K, sodium Na, titanium Ti, phosphorus P, sulfur S, chromium Cr, molybdenum Mo, chlorine Cl, iridium Ir, nickel Ni, manganese Mn, etc. were found. The most dangerous contaminants are particles of iron Fe and silicon Si, contained in the coolant in an amount of up to 47 and 37%, respectively, and possessing significant hardness and angularity. The abrasive properties of Fe and Si particles create the danger of removing a thin oxide film on the inner surface of the walls of the cooling radiator channels, leading to their premature destruction. In this regard, it is concluded that high-performance engine coolant filters should be used in automobiles and tractors to remove these contaminants from the flow.

About the authors

S. G Dragomirov

Vladimir State University

DSc in Engineering Vladimir, Russia

P. Ig Eydel

LLC "STC "AutoSphere" at Vladimir State University"

Vladimir, Russia

A. Yu Gamayunov

LLC "STC "AutoSphere" at Vladimir State University"

Vladimir, Russia

M. S Dragomirov

LLC "STC "AutoSphere" at Vladimir State University"

PhD in Engineering Vladimir, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2021 Dragomirov S.G., Eydel P.I., Gamayunov A.Y., Dragomirov M.S.

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