Intensification of the recovery of hydraulic equipment parts by iron in the electrolyte flow

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The technology of bath-free ironing of parts in an electrolyte flow with simultaneous hydromechanical activation of the growing surface is proposed. Its advantages over the traditional type of coating are introduced. The structure, some physicomechanical and operational properties of iron coatings were studied depending on the electrolysis regimes and the composition of electrolytes. The possibility of high-speed electrodeposition of iron with a wide range of physical and mechanical properties is shown. There were shown the electrolysis modes, which make it possible to obtain high-quality strong-adhered pure-iron coatings with a wear resistance several times higher than hardened alloy steels and a precipitation growth rate tens of times higher than with traditional ironing. A typical technological process of parts ironing was developed. It was tested on the example of restoration of hydraulic valve spools of agricultural machinery. The design of an installation and an electrochemical cell for ironing the valve hydraulic distributors, providing optimal hydrodynamic conditions when applying coatings to worn surfaces, was proposed. Recommendations for the post-electrolysis treatment of restored parts by iron are given. Bench and field tests of hydraulic valves with remanufactured valves were carried out. They confirmed the results of laboratory studies, and showed that no malfunctions were identified during the operation period. Technical and economic calculations have shown the high efficiency of the proposed technology in comparison with traditional ironing. The introduction of the technology in production will reduce the production area and the time spent on restoring parts by increasing the productivity of the iron process and reducing the number of operations, reducing the cost of materials for preparing electrolytes by reducing the operation of anodic treatment and washing, and increasing the reliability of the technology by improving its structural scheme.

About the authors

YU. E. Kisel'

Bryansk State Engineering and Technological University


Dsc in Engineering

Russian Federation, Bryansk

S. P. Simokhin

Bryansk State Engineering and Technological University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Bryansk

S. A. Murachev

Bryansk State Engineering and Technological University

Russian Federation, Bryansk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Experimental setup for coating samples: 1 – base; 2 – motor pump; 3 – bath (0,01 m3); 4 – intake pipeline; 5 – supply pipeline; 6 – control valve; 7 – disc with a scale; 8 – cell; 9 – anode supply terminal; 10 – cathode supply terminal; 11 – drain valve; 12 – thermometer; 13 – contact heater; 14 – electrolyte level

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3. Fig. 2. Cell for depositing precipitates on samples in the study of their adhesion strength to the base: а) general view of the cell; b) cell diagram: 1 – anode; 2 – sample; 3 – cathode

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4. Fig. 3. Cell for applying coatings to samples in the study of their wear resistance: 1 – body; 2 – electrode; 3 – sample

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5. Fig. 4. Influence of electrolysis parameters on the adhesion strength of the coating to the base (a), microhardness (b) and wear (c): 1 – flow rate of the electrolyte-dispersion; 2 – content of dispersed particles; 3 – cathode current density

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6. Fig. 5. The influence of electrolysis conditions on the microstructure of electrodeposited iron (×400): а) destroyed softened deposits; b) monolithic sediments

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7. Fig. 6. Microstructure (×400) (а) and structure of transverse fracture of iron deposits (×1000) (b), obtained under optimal electrolysis conditions

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8. Fig. 7. General view of the installation (a) and the cell (b), scheme of the cell (c) and the valve of the P 100 hydraulic distributor after coating (d)

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Copyright (c) 2021 Kisel' Y.E., Simokhin S.P., Murachev S.A.

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