Ensuring the operating modes of the seeding apparatus specialized equipment

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The subjects of the research are the process of sowing seeds with a seeding apparatus and the indicators of quality of their distribution in a row. The goal is to substantiate a rational technological process of distributing row crops seeds in a row with a pneumatic seeding apparatus. Special equipment was used in the system of ensuring the revolutions of the seeding disc, sucking seeds to its holes, pneumatic transport of seeds after separation from the opening of the seeding disc for contact interaction with the receiving platform of the sensor of the number of seeds and its settling in the collector. The novelty of the research lies in the use of an acoustic sensor for a single registration of the sowed seeds with a short time interval, which makes it possible to assess the quality of the operation of the sowing device by the standard deviation of seeds from a given seeding rate in their normal distribution in accordance with the law of numbers. The operating mode of the pneumatic seeding apparatus from specialized equipment as part of the test bench was carried out as an example of sowing sunflower seeds with a seeding rate of 3 seeds/linear meter for the conventional seeder speed of 9 km/h. The data obtained with different time intervals between the registered seeds in WAV format by the PTC Mathcad Prime software was represented by classical distributed seeds in graphical form and data in tabular form. The quality indicators of seeds for sowing and their class distribution in a row by rational operating modes of the seeding apparatus, assessed by specialized equipment when applying the law of large numbers, are the basis of scientific research on predicting the yield of row crops.

About the authors

I. M. Kireev

Novokubansk Affiliate of Rosinformagrotekh (KubNIITiM)

Email: zinakoval@mail.ru

Dsc in Engineering

Russian Federation, Novokubansk

Z. M. Koval'

Novokubansk Affiliate of Rosinformagrotekh (KubNIITiM)

Author for correspondence.
Email: zinakoval@mail.ru

PhD in Engineering

Russian Federation, Novokubansk

F. A. Zimin

Novokubansk Affiliate of Rosinformagrotekh (KubNIITiM)

Email: zinakoval@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Novokubansk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. General view of the specialized equipment for determining the characteristics of the seeding devices of the precision seed drills: а) view from the front to the left; b) view from the front to right

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3. Fig. 2. General view of an asynchronous three-phase motor with a gearbox: a) right side view; b) left side view

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4. Fig. 3. Frequency converter

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5. Fig. 4. Graph of the dependence of the seeding disc revolutions on the frequency of the voltage converter

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6. Fig. 5. Number of gaps between two consecutive sunflower seeds in class ranges

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Copyright (c) 2021 Kireev I.M., Koval' Z.M., Zimin F.A.

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