Improving the competitiveness of mechanical engineering

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The low level of competitiveness of Russian machinery and equipment is due, first of all, to an insufficient level of workmanship and reliability indicators. In terms of technical characteristics, the level of resource saving, the implementation of modern technological methods and methods for the manufacturing of products, works and services, many models of modern machinery are not inferior, and often surpass foreign analogues. But the low level of reliability indicators and, above all, the reliability of machines in the end significantly reduce the efficiency of its use in real production and economic conditions of consumers of equipment. The work is aimed at searching and substantiating directions for improving the quality of manufacturing and reliability indicators of domestic machinery and equipment based on the creation of proprietary production and technological systems and complexes and the introduction of a proprietary method of technical service. Improving the quality of Russian equipment on an innovative organizational and technological basis will ensure the necessary technological breakthrough in mechanical engineering with the minimum needs of production and technical resources in a short time. Studies indicate the need to reorganize engineering enterprises into large firms, branded production and technological systems and complexes that can provide a sharp and significant increase in the quality of equipment to the level of the best world analogues. The organization of large engineering companies allows solving the quality problems of machinery and equipment at all the main stages of their life cycle: design, construction, production, operation and disposal. At the same time, the efficiency of resolving emerging issues is significantly increased, since all structural divisions of the company are managed from a single center, whose strategic goal is to comprehensively improve the quality of engineering products. A quick and significant increase in the competitiveness of domestic machinery and equipment based on an increase in their manufacturing quality and reliability indicators is possible only with the introduction of their proprietary technical service. The company service system will allow establishing and excluding the causes of operational failures of machinery.

About the authors

L. I Kushnarev

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

DSc in Engineering Moscow, Russia

V. F Aleshin

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia


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