Method of improving the service properties of the plowshare frame using abrasion-resistant surfacing materials and polymer composites

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The presence of intensive cultivation of agricultural crops in modern agriculture contributes to the in-creased wear rate of plowshares due to high plowing speeds. The use of well-known hardening methods is reduced to the use of hard alloys as coatings for working surfaces, which currently does not allow that currently does not allow to achieve a significant increase in the resource of the ploughshares, especially their frame (if the ploughshare is composite). The reason for this is the absence of an anti-abrasive coating over the entire volume of the friction surface of the part, which limits the working condition, which reaches 50 or more millimeters (undercutting-blade area). Such a significant value allows the use of various technological options to improve the resistance to abrasive wear, including the use of abrasion-resistant materials of different nature. Therefore, the task was to develop and test in real conditions the hardening technology, which provides a significant increase in abrasive resistance and durability, while maintaining the geometric parameters established by the technical conditions when performing agrotechnical requirements for tillage. The proposed technological process of hardening consists in surfacing the blade on the back side of the frame of the composite plowshare with a hard alloy. On the working surface, two rollers of increased hardness are formed along the edges of the blade and undercut areas, and the gap between them is filled with a glue-resin abrasive resistant composite. In this case, the entire area of the working surface (friction surface) of the undercutting-blade part is covered by reinforcing coatings (weld metal and composite). As a result of testing the developed hardening technology with the use of high-hardness alloys and an abrasion-resistant epoxy-based polymer composite with gravel filler, the durability of parts was increased by a factor of 1,6 compared with factory-made components.

About the authors

A. M Mihal'chenkov

Bryansk State Agrarian University

DSc in Engineering Bryansk, Russia

M. A Mihal'chenkova

Bryansk State Agrarian University

Bryansk, Russia

M. A Petrakov

Bryansk State Agrarian University

PhD in Pedagogik Bryansk, Russia

A. A Gucan

Bryansk State Agrarian University

Bryansk, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2019 Mihal'chenkov A.M., Mihal'chenkova M.A., Petrakov M.A., Gucan A.A.

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