Algorithm for managing the operation modes of a machin and tractor unit

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At the present stage of development of agricultural production to replace the existing agricultural machinery comes new, based on robotization technological processes with elements of autonomous decision-making systems. The basis of which are the control algorithms, based on the technology of constructing mathematical models of the control object, taking into account its laws of functioning. The aim of the research presented in the article is to develop an efficient algorithm for controlling the operating modes of the machine and tractor unit based on the high-performance method of exploitative control. The solution of the problem is based on the methods of mathematical modeling and programming in the Python language. Control of the intensity of change in the operational parameter is the most highly effective among the known methods of exploitative control. The practical implementation of whom allows you to manage operation modes of the machine and tractor unit with prediction over time due to the implementation of preemptive control actions. In addition, the algorithm for controlling the modes of operation of the machine and tractor unit on the basis of this method, by time complexity, is the most preferable in comparison with similar known control algorithms.

About the authors

S. V Kalachin

N.P.Ogarev Mordovia State University

DSc in Engineering Saransk, Russia


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