Optimization of parameters and modes of operation of the spiral-screw roller

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The method of planning a two-factor experiment substantiates the optimal parameters and operation mode of the spiral-helical roller for compacting the soil in order to create its optimum density in the sowing layer, which ensures friendly shoots of the sown seeds of cultivated plants and their sustainable development. The studies were carried out using the provisions of the experiment planning theory and the main measurement methods written in the regulatory documentation. The quantitative factors of the mathematical planning method are the design parameters and operating modes of the press roller. The Vк (plan) was used for its optimization, and the density of the soil in the rolled layer was taken as the optimization criterion (response), which depends on the size of the ballast weight attached to the frame of the roller and the operating speed of the unit. The levels of variation of the factors are chosen so that their optimal values, calculated theoretically, fall into the center of the interval of variation. Using the obtained regression equations in canonical form, we obtained hypersurfaces of dependence of soil density in the sowing layer on the operating speed of the aggregate and ballast weights, as well as dependencies of two-dimensional sections of soil density. The center of the experiment lies within the scope of the experiment. The value of the optimum density of the soil in the sowing layer of 1,25 g/сm3 at a working speed of the unit of 7,6 km/h and a ballast weight of 42,4 kg was obtained.

About the authors

G. G Maslov

Kuban State Agrarian University

Email: evglevsky.roman@yandex.ru
DSc in Engineering

R. O Evglevskij

Kuban State Agrarian University

Email: evglevsky.roman@yandex.ru

V. V Cybulevskij

Kuban State Agrarian University

Email: evglevsky.roman@yandex.ru
PhD in Engineering


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Copyright (c) 2019 Maslov G.G., Evglevskij R.O., Cybulevskij V.V.

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