The study of soil crumbling when using new working bodies

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Comparison of quality indicators of the results of research and testing on machine-testing stations with with their normalized values characterizes the compliance or non-compliance with the agrotechnical requirements of soil tillage machines and working bodies. According to agrotechnical requirements, one of the main indicators characterizing the quality of tillage is soil crumbling. The crumbs of the field surface depend on the quality of crumbling as with the predominance of the required size of lumps in the treated soil layer, an even field surface is observed. At a high quality of crumbling, soil particles smaller than 1 mm from the upper layer spill to the lower ones, preventing erosion. Objective: to characterize the quality of crumbling of the soil when using new working bodies in terms of compliance with agrotechnical requirements and compare it with analogues by the technological adapter. Compliance with the agrotechnical requirements of the new working bodies was determined according to the regulatory docu-mentation for soil tillage testing machines. It was found that by the quality of the layer crumbling (up to 98,5 %) and by reducing the number of erosion-hazardous particles in the upper soil layer (up to 18,13 %) new working bodies are superior to analogues by the process adapter. A positive impact on the quality of crumbling has had the use of elements of the working body, made in a curvilinear form (87,8-98,5 %) compared with a flat-cutter (65,1-76,8 %). Modernization of the flat-cut design with the possibility of self-setting the cutting angle at the angle of the natural cleavage of the soil allowed improving the quality of crumbling to 80,5-82,0 %, and the use of alternative materials - to 82,0-84,8 %. In terms of the quality of crumbling of the reservoir, new working bodies correspond to agrotechnical requirements of tillage pre-sowing. This reduces the number of technological operations for additional loosening and leveling the field surface before sowing. This reduces the number of technological operations for additional loosening and leveling the field surface before sowing. It was established that new working bodies are not inferior in terms of agrotechnical indicators to modern technical means for tillage.

About the authors

G. G Parhomenko

North Caucasus Scientific Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, Agrarian Scientific Center «Donskoy»

PhD in Engineering


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Copyright (c) 2019 Parhomenko G.G.

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