Laboratory results of coupler for multilevel sowing of seeds and fertilization

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A promising area of research in the field of improving existing and developing new working bodies of agricultural machines is the search for technological and technical solutions to ensure reliable, high-quality sowing of seeds, taking into account the zonal features of grain production. Quality sowing is characterized by two components: a uniform distribution of seed over the feed area and the embedment depth; and the application of mineral fertilizers below the seed level of the main crop. It has been established that the joint application of mineral fertilizers with seeds may entail a salt effect and chemical burn, which leads to a decrease in seedling and yield. The most favorable is the multi-level application of seeds and fertilizers, this allows to form an extensive root system, developing in the direction of the power source. The aim of the research is to increase the yield of grain crops through the use of a coulter, providing multi-level seeding of seeds and mineral fertilizers. To achieve this goal a coulter providing multi-level seeding and mineral fertilizer application, has been developed. Laboratory studies of a prototype coulter were carried out in the soil channel of the Faculty of technical service in the agro-industrial complex of Omsk State Agrarian University, while the thickness of the soil layer between seeds and fertilizers was selected as the studied function. During experimental studies, the main parameters of the proposed coulter were determined. At these mineral fertilizers are located 30...35 mm below the level of seeds of the main crop and are filled with a wet layer of soil, which eliminates direct contact of seeds and fertilizers, and, therefore, chemical burn of seeds.

About the authors

E. V Demchuk

Omsk State Agrarian University n.a. Pyotr A. Stolypin

PhD in Engineering Omsk, Russia

U. K Sabiev

Omsk State Agrarian University n.a. Pyotr A. Stolypin

д.т.н. Omsk, Russia

V. V Myalo

Omsk State Agrarian University n.a. Pyotr A. Stolypin

PhD in Engineering Omsk, Russia

P. V CHupin

Omsk State Agrarian University n.a. Pyotr A. Stolypin

PhD in Engineering Omsk, Russia

V. S Koval'

Tarsk branch of Omsk State Agrarian University n.a. Pyotr A. Stolypin

PhD in Engineering Tara, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2019 Demchuk E.V., Sabiev U.K., Myalo V.V., CHupin P.V., Koval' V.S.

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