Development of the design of an internal combustion engine cooling system with a pre-starting heating function

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The main topic of the article is the development of an effective design for a pre-starting heating system for an internal combustion engine for conditions of limited power supply. The work to improve the design of light wheeled all-terrain vehicles on low pressure pneumatics is done at Pacific National University. Prototypes of light wheeled off-road vehicles are used mainly in agriculture and for forestry production. There are prerequisites for their use in oil and gas fields in the Far North conditions. This vehicle is operated all year round, in the absence of power supply, it is stored in the open air, so the problem of starting a cold engine is quite important, and the topic of creating a design for a pre-starting heating system for an internal combustion engine under conditions of limited or complete absence of power supply is relevant. The purpose of the work is to develop and study the efficiency of the pre-starting heating system for an internal combustion engine with liquid cooling for conditions of limited power supply. Our own design of the cooling system with a pre-starting heating function based on a gasoline burner was developed. To assess the efficiency of the engine warm-up process, the circuit was assembled on a light wheeled all-terrain vehicle. The experimental studies were carried out to determine the regularity of changes in the temperature of the engine coolant during pre-starting heating at different ambient temperatures. The results of the experiment indicate the high efficiency of the developed system based on a gasoline burner. The average heating rate of the engine coolant during the warm-up process was 2.1 - 2.8 оС per minute, which indicates an intensive pace of pre-starting heating.

About the authors

N. A Ivanov

Pacific National University

Dsc in Engineering Khabarovsk, Russia

D. V Otmakhov

Pacific National University

PhD in Engineering Khabarovsk, Russia

S. P Zakharychev

Pacific National University

PhD in Engineering Khabarovsk, Russia

O. V Kazannikov

Pacific National University

PhD in Engineering Khabarovsk, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2021 Ivanov N.A., Otmakhov D.V., Zakharychev S.P., Kazannikov O.V.

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