Analysis of experimental researches of the tractor equipped with an elastic-damping mechanism in the transmission when moving in the composition of the transport tractor unit

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The cargo transportation is an integral and energy-consuming part of agricultural production. To improve the energy performance of transport tractor units (TTU), an elastic-damping mechanism (EDM) installed in the tractor transmission was developed. An experimental study was conducted to identify the influence of the EDM on the operation of the tractor as part of the TTU, when it is moving on a dirt road in the 9th gear of the main speed range of the gearbox (GB) of the tractor. A tractor of traction class 1,4 was used. Energy sensors were installed on the main elements of the tractor. The energy performance of the tractor with a transmission equipped with the EDM and the tractor with a factory transmission are determined. A decrease in fuel consumption by 7,3 %, a decrease in traction forces from an aggregated trailer by 19,9 %, a decrease in the amplitude of fluctuations in traction forces by 28,3 % and a decrease in skidding of the driving units by an average of 9,7 % were revealed. A graph describing the dynamics of changes in the skidding of the driving units of a serial tractor and a tractor with the EDM in time is constructed. The statistical processing of the skidding indicators is performed. A decrease in the amplitude of fluctuations in the coefficient of skidding by 16,3 % was revealed. The obtained results of experimental studies indicate that the tractor as part of the TTU with the EDM in the transmission has better performance compared to a serial tractor and has a lower load on the engine, gearbox elements and driving wheels of the tractor.

About the authors

S. E Senkevich

Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM»

PhD in Engineering Moskow, Russia

N. S Kryukovskaya

Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM»

Moskow, Russia


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